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one plan document/multiple spds


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Is it permissible to have a single plan document covering different groups or classes of employees and then give each group or class an spd that only includes their benefits?

Example: Plan Document contains 4 benefits schedules for five classes of employees as well as other different benefits.

Can the different classes get an spd that does not include anything but their benefits?

Class 1 has best benefits down to Class 4 which has least benefits.

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Guest matthew222

Yes, it's permissable to have different SPD's for different classes and I would have to say it's highly recommended, especially if there's a large disparity in benefits. Class I doesn't need to know Class IV's benefits and vice versa. It's also possible to have 1 SPD and separate riders for each of the classes. This might seem more logical depending on how you're distributing it.

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