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Non-ERISA 403(b) plan changed to ERISA 403(b) plan in restatement?

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Is anyone else encountering situations where a non-profit organization's non-ERISA 403(b) plan document has for some unknown reason been restated onto an ERISA 403(b) plan document, even though nothing about the organization or its plan provisions changed that would subject the plan to ERISA? :huh:

Am I missing something? Why are the document providers not using a non-ERISA 403(b) plan document for these plans? :huh:

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Haven't seen this. But many documents/checklists provide for either ERISA or non-ERISA - maybe they just checked the wrong box? Hard to even guess without very specific information on any individual plan in question. Have you checked with any of the prior document providers/TPA's to ask them this question?

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23 minutes ago, Belgarath said:

maybe they just checked the wrong box?

Who is "they"? The organizations are very clear on their plans' non-ERISA status and would not have checked the wrong box. This seems to be happening at the document provider level, and it is happening often enough now that I wondered if there was some obvious reason for it that I somehow missed.

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