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Found 5 results

  1. Can an employer offer longer COBRA duration, for example 30 months instead of 18 for a class of employees - executives, or salaried but not hourly? Assume that the employer does not subsidize the premium.
  2. Is there any prohibition on asking for an employee's or their dependent's gender when enrolling them in group benefit plans similar to the prohibitions on asking for gender on job applications? I understand that you cannot deny benefits because of gender but are you allowed to even request that information or have your TPA request that information to administer benefits or is it prohibited? Any assistance it helpful. Thanks.
  3. Can someone please help me find reference to guidance that I have heard of that allows an employer to not combine two related companies into a Controlled Group for the purposes of discrimination testing in the year of acquisition, and perhaps even the year following acquisition? Thanks so much. Nancy Pritz
  4. Hello! I work for a private university. Our 403b match is different based on age. If you are under the age of 35 and have worked less than a certain number of years you are eligible for 4% (once you complete a certain number of years you're eligible for the full match). If you are over the age of 35 you are automatically eligible for 8%. Is it legal to create that type of rule? Seems like it favors employees over the age of 35 - who more than likely are also making more money than the younger employees.
  5. Guest

    Section 125 Plan

    Large employer has a health plan. 80% of the employees are in a self- insured plan while the other 20% are in a insured plan. The self-insured plan: The insured plan: Consists mostly of salespeople 80% employer contribution 20% employer contribution 20% employee contribution 80% employee contribution, however if the salesperson sells more he can get a higher employer contribution Can this employer have their employees pay for their contributions pre-tax through a Section 125 Plan? Thanks, ty2433
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