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Found 4 results

  1. Interesting scenario, appreciate any insight: Facts: 401(a) profit-sharing plan (ER contribution only) has 6/30 fiscal year end. Plan terminated 6/30/2017. Participant balances were rolled or distributed by prior record-keeper by 12/29/2017 March 2018, it was determined that the contribution for plan years ended 6/30/15, 16, 17 may have been understated due to an error in the definition of compensation used. Questions: Generally - how does this get unscrambled? The prior accounts have been closed, the prior plan has been terminated, however, prior participants may be eligible for additional contribution. Does the corrective contribution need to go through old plan record-keeper? Can they participants receive the contribution via check? If check - would this be considered cash distribution Any looming deadlines for the contribution to be made? Any and all thoughts welcomed.
  2. Got a government entity that wants to start a 401(a) plan that matches contributions to their existing 457 plan. They want to do a match formula of 0% for the first 4% and then match 100% of the next 4%. Are there any issues there?
  3. We have a public school that has a 457 plan paired with a 401(a) plan. They are asking if the 2 plans can be merged together. Is this permissible?
  4. Guest

    401(a) and ERISA?

    Hello All, I am having trouble accessing my 401(a) pension account from a company I left in 2005. I have called the company, but they say there is no provision for access to the account until age 59.5 and that they did not need to comply to ERISA since they are a Church Plan. This is different than what they told me a few years back when I was planning to roll the funds over into my current pension plan and I have a booklet they sent me back then seems to also provide for withdrawl or rollover upon separation from service, provisional upon payment of a 10% tax penalty. I called the company twice and spoke with two different people. One of them even said that since the account was entirely company funded, that it was their money until I retired. In the "Plan Details" section of my account online, the SPD is missing. When I asked the woman about this, she said that it used to be posted there but it wasn't anymore and she didn't know why. When I asked if I could get a copy emailed to me, she said it was only available to be sent to me by postal mail for $40.00. This whole thing seems really shady to me and I am wondering if I need to hire an Attorney? Anyone have any knowledge on this? Many Thanks Lindsay
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