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Found 8 results

  1. Have a plan that failed the adp acp test. Participant is 60% vested. Relius is showing Allocable Income on the ACP correction. Is it 60% of the Refund Amount that is forfeited? How does the Allocable Income come into play then?
  2. Hey Y'all! Quick question for my fellow practitioners. I am studying the DC-2 book to eventually get my QKA and I came across a sentence saying that corrective distributions (ADP & ACP corrections) are subject to 10% withholding unless the participant completes a Form W-4P. I was wondering who all was practicing this? I don't recall ever seeing a corrective distribution with any withholding applied in my short tenure. Thanks in advance!!
  3. Greetings, I am in the process of preparing a VCP for the below described errors. Where I'm at a loss (despite extensive review of the forums) is (a) Can the correction for the use of the incorrect match be limited to just those participants making deferral (those with "account balances") by using a QMAC instead of a QNEC correction; and (b) If a prohibited transaction occurred as a result of the incorrect match % and the loss earnings, thus requiring a VFCP. FAILURES: 1. Failure to correctly apply the Plan's matching contribution provisions to employees during 2012 and 2013 (Plan Sponsor applied lower matching % to all new employees, despite the Plan language limiting this to only acquired Company A employees) 2. Corrections necessary to pass the non-discrimination tests for 2013 and 2014 due to the three tier matching contribution formula (Plan Sponsor used the wrong matching % in performing tests) Proposed Correction under VCP A. For those participants that received the smaller incorrect match AND that had "account balances" (i.e., limiting the correction only to those participants making elective deferrals). a QMAC (as opposed to a QNEC) could be made under VCP. [i know there's a strong argument this correction should go to all eligible participants - even those not deferring - but such a correction would be astronomically higher] B. Since the incorrect employer match was used, resulting in lost earnings, I believe this would be a prohibited transaction (outstanding match % became plan assets when PS filed tax return) and thus I would propose a VFCP be filed with the DOL (meaning no filing of Form 5330 Return of Excise Taxes). However, looking at the VFCP Application, there is no box to check for "missed employer matching contributions/earnings" Any insight would be most appreciated. Thank you...
  4. Client failed testing. Refunds issued and cashed. Discovered bad data was used. Tests rerun and client still failed but refund required for HCEs was less than what was issued? As to issue of refund, can they self correct?
  5. I have a plan that normally passes ADP easily and fails ACP (after-tax, no match) by a small margin. We use borrowing or shifting to pass the ACP test. We are considering changing the plan in a way that we think will encourage more after tax contributions by HCE's. If the passing margin of the ADP test is not sufficient in the future to cover the ACP test through borrowing or shifting alone, can we recharacterize pre-tax contributions as catch-up contributions to pass both tests, even though the ADP test passes without it?
  6. Under EPCRS, plans may not use permissive disaggregation when correcting a failure to timely correct a failed ADP/ACP test utilizing either the QNEC method or the One-to-One correction method. However, it is not clear if this means the coverage testing for the plan must also be re-run without using permissive disaggregation, or if EPCRS is only focused on the determination of which NHCEs share in the QNEC or the one-to-one allocation. In other words, if the coverage test was run using permissive disaggregation, is the correction sufficient even if you do not re-run coverage so long as the ADP/ACP test is re-run without using permissive disaggregation and the corrective contributions are made on that basis? Or must coverage also be run without permissive disaggregation?
  7. I have a client that fails the ACP test and is required to refund match to two HCEs. One of the HCE is not fully vested in the match contriubution. How is the refund handled in this case - does he still receive the full refund, or is part of it forfeited?
  8. A plan has a match formula in the Document for which they only make once a year after we do the calculation. At the same time we do the match calculation, we run the ACP test using our calculated numbers. In this case, the ACP test fails using the numbers we projected but were not yet made. Does this need to be done in chronological order (i.e. they make the match and then ACP returns/forfeitures)? Or can any steps be saved in the process and, if so, what? We know that to handle the ACP returns, unvested match amounts get forfeited and vested amounts are distributed. Thank you.
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