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Found 3 results

  1. Plan is a self-insured plan that contracts with a Non-traditional Third Party Administrator. The TPA does not collect any premiums or pay out any claims (claims are handled by Care First). Carefirst adjudicates all claims, and debits an account belonging to Plan Sponsor. Role of the TPA is to process enrollment, provide other administrative services(billing, prepare 5500s, PPACA reporting, consulting, etc), for which it receives a "fee for service." Additionally, TPA collects and remits to CareFirst the fees paid by Plan Sponsor. Since TPA does not "handle" plan assets and does not exercise any discretion or control over the Plan, it is our belief that the TPA does not fall under the ERISA definition of Fiduciary. Would you agree? If TPA is arguably not a fiduciary, would an argument exist that the TPA is not required to fulfill the ERISA bonding requirements under Section 412? A review of Field Assistance Bulletin No. 2008-04 leads me to conclude that since TPA does not "handle funds or other property" of the plan (merely collects ans remits a fee to Carefirst) and does not adjudicate Claims, it would not be deemed a "Plan Official." Thoughts? Thank you...
  2. If a broker incorrectly placed trades and after correcting the mistakes and making the plan whole there are additional profits that resulted from the original mistake who is entitled to the profits? What support is there for that position?
  3. I have a client who is an employer participating in a "level funding" welfare benefit plan. This is a self-funded plan. The employer provides a monthly payment to the TPA based on projected claims amounts for the year, and if at the end of the year, there are amounts left over from their participants' claims, the employer will receive a portion of the excess amount. The payments are kept in the TPA's own account (not the employer's account). Checks to participants are also written from this account. I understand the TPA (a major insurer) has had this type of plan in existence for 8-10 years. How can this satisfy plan asset requirements? As this is not a fully-insured arrangement, wouldn't a trust be required as soon as the assets were segregated from the general assets of the employer into the TPA's account? What am I missing? Thank you in advance for any guidance!
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