Participant died in 2001. Spouse continues the MRDs each year until she dies in 2007. Daughter continues RMDs each year based on the life expectance of the spouse as of the spouse's birthday in the year of death, reduced by one each year.
Spouse's single life expectancy in 2007 was 11.4. Therefore, factor for 2018 is 0.4. I am assuming this converts to 1.0.
For discussion purposes, account balance at 12/31/2017 was $100,000, and balance as of today is $105,000.
My question is, must the daughter close the account in full by 12/31/2018, or can she take the 12/31/2017 balance of $100,000 as the RMD by 12/31/2018, and carry over the earnings each year with continued RMDs on that substantially declining balance?