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Found 2 results

  1. I have a question regarding a safe harbor 401(k) established in August 2016. We set the effective date as of 1/1/16 to allow all enrolled employees at 8/1/16 the ability to receive a full year contribution into the plan. Prior to us establishing the plan, we had two employees terminate their employment (one in February and one in April of 2016). Now our Administrator is saying that because our effective date is 1/1/16, we have to provide a safe harbor contribution to the two terminated employees even though they were not employed when we established the 401(k) plan. Does this sound right? It does not make sense to me. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I have the opportunity to start my own TPA firm and I really need some help. I have been a pension admin for some time now and have a firm grasp of the administration side. I have been offered an opportunity to join a CPA firm and partner with them to start a TPA firm. I have done the grind and put together all the paperwork for new clients, takeover plans, safe harbor notices, etc... I have ASC coming and installing their programs and I will accompany that with Pension Pro software. So I have almost everything lined up to move forward. My question is: #1 - Do I have to have certain credentials to be able to start my own TPA firm? I have one more test to get my APA designation, but is there something that would stop me from being able to open my own firm? #2 - Besides all the proper paperwork and setting up the software, is there something i could be missing that would be a road block or set back? #3 - What advice can you give me that would help me avoid pitfalls or help me not miss something while setting up the new firm. #4 - Would someone be willing to have a conference call with me and go over the steps they went through to start their own firm? In a nut shell, I just need some guidance so I don't have a surprise pop up that would not allow me to open the new firm. I would really appreciate all the help i can get to start off on the right foot. Thanks!!
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