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Found 2 results

  1. Client received a 2020 w2 with wages from services performed as a minister. His housing allowance was included in his gross wages for social security and medicare. He retired and began receiving distributions from the rabbi trust. Per the plan, 25% of the annual distribution from the rabbi trust is designated to a housing allowance. Should the client have received (2) w2s? The client only received one and the $25k received from the rabbi trust was not included in box 1, but only reported in box 11.
  2. Looking for thoughts on an issue of first impression for me. Company A is the parent of Company B. Employees of Company B participate in a nonqualified deferred compensation plan maintained by Company A. Company A spins off Company B and, for business reasons, does not terminate the NQDC plan as to the employees of Company B (as would be permitted under Section 409A's termination rules in connection with a change in control). Employees of Company B have not undergone a separation from service because of the spin off because they still work for Company B. Company A retains the pre-spin liabilities relating to the NQDC plan and arranges for Company B to notify Company A when an employee separates from service with Company B (and all the post-spin entities in Company B's new controlled group) so Company A can commence payment under the NQDC plan. Following the spin-off, for business reasons, Company A and Company B want to allow employees of Company B to continue to participate in the NQDC plan maintained by Company A for a period of years. Can employees of Company B participate in the NQDC plan maintained by Company A once Company B is no longer in Company A's controlled group of corporations? If Company B wants to provide the same benefit post closing, does Company B need to set up its own NQDC plan that "mirrors" Company A's? What about funding - If Company B sets up its own NQDC plan, can Company B send the contributions to Company A to administer and not result in income inclusion under a constructive receipt/economic benefit theory because the contributions are no longer subject to the claims of the creditors of Company B? It seems to me that Company B can leave behind with Company A the pre-spin liabilities relating to the NQDC plan without issue. Keeping any assets related to those liabilities with Company A makes sense because Company A is responsible for payment. Post-spin participation of Company B employees in Company A's NQDC plan seems problematic but can't nail down exactly why. It also seems that if Company B sets up its own mirror plan, any funding must be left with Company B or be put in a rabbi trust that is subject to the claims of Company B's creditors. Sending contributions for post-spin obligations to Company A, or putting in the rabbi trust for the NQDC plan maintained by Company A (which is subject to claims by Company A's creditors) seems problematic because the amounts are no longer reachable by Company B's creditors.
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