This is the first sentence of the text of the model COBRA Election Notice as revised by the DOL to incorporate information about the availability of coverage in the Marketplace. I am copying it verbatim from the DOL website:
This notice has important information about your right to continue your health care coverage in the [enter name of group health plan] (the Plan), as well as other health coverage options that may be available to you, including coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace at or call 1-800-318-2596.
(The underscore/underlined text after "call" is as in the original.)
It seems to me as if there are words missing after the word "Marketplace" because the sentence does not make grammatical sense as written (although the intent of the sentence is obvious). I have not seen any discussion of this.
Has anyone encountered this? If so, what, if any changes did you make to this language when customizing it for actual use?