Message Boards Digest
July 22, 2022
Here are the most recently added topics on the BenefitsLink Message Boards:
PamR created a topic in 401(k) Plans
"I know they don't really exist, however, I have a client that has a 'solo 401(k)' with Schwab. He's hired an employee and that employee has become eligible. Schwab won't allow us to open an account for the employee under the current plan. They say we can open a company retirement account (CRA) for that money. When I asked how to transfer the 'solo 401k' account over to the CRA, I was given a distribution
form. Well, there's no distributable event here. Andy they say it would generate a Form 1099, etc. Has anyone else run into this situation? Have any idea how to solve it? We restated the plan on our plan document. I guess we can just keep his 'Solo 401k' account and combine it with the CRA account for 5500 purposes. Seems like there should be an easier way."
Belgarath created a topic in Retirement Plans in General
"Suppose you have a pooled plan, annual valuation only, and the client (on extension) doesn't get you data until the last minute. (Naturally, no one else has any such clients...) I guess you just have to send them late. Only other alternative is to send them out with duplicate of 12/31/2020 statements, with some sort of disclaimer, but I don't much like that option. Other alternatives/thoughts? This is weighing on my mind,
with a lot of folks on extension this year."
metsfan026 created a topic in Defined Benefit Plans, Including Cash Balance
"If a client opts to terminate a Cash Balance Plan prior to the end of 2022 due to selling the business, is there any contribution obligation for 2022?"
Here are the most recently posted jobs on EmployeeBenefitsJobs.com, a service of BenefitsLink:
CuraFin Advisors
Scottsdale AZ
MissionSquare Retirement
CA / DC / FL / IL
BenefitsLink.com, Inc.
56 Creeksong Road
Whittier NC 28789
(407) 644-4146
Lois Baker, J.D., President
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Holly Horton, Business Manager
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