Subject: Newsletter: Form 5304-SIMPLE Issued by IRS Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 15:34:10 -0500 ................. BenefitsLink Newsletter ............. { { Free, useful information about U.S. tax and labor laws { and new Internet resources, for employee benefit plan { sponsors, service-providers and participants. ......................................................... ..........IRS PUBLISHES FORM 5304-SEP FOR SIMPLE PLANS.... A new tax form enables an employer to establish an IRS-approved "SIMPLE plan" even if the employer allows employees to designate their IRA custodians rather than making all contributions to a single financial institution selected by the employer. The form is titled Form 5304-SIMPLE, and was released on December 31. It is not yet available for download from the IRS Web site, but should be online there soon. (For a Web link to IRS forms and publications, see the "Benefits Resources" page on BenefitsLink at New Form 5304-SIMPLE is very similar to Form 5305-SIMPLE; the latter form was issued by IRS in October to provide an IRS-approved form of SIMPLE plan but only if the sponsoring employer makes all employees' contributions to IRAs maintained by a single IRA custodian (called a "Designated Financial Institution"). Yesterday's BenefitsLink Newsletter described IRS Notice 97-6, a set of questions and answers about SIMPLE plans issued on December 23 ( That IRS Notice included a complicated series of instructions for modifying Form 5305-SIMPLE, if an employer wants to use that form but also wants to allow employees to use multiple IRA custodians instead of a single Designated Financial Institution. Form 5304-SIMPLE, issued a week after the IRS Notice, seems to be a simple way to avoid having to mark up a Form 5305-SIMPLE, because it already incorporates the modifications described in the IRS Notice and appears to be otherwise identical. (SIMPLE, no? Stay tuned.) ................. BenefitsLink Newsletter ............... { { To unsubscribe: send email to { with "UNSUBSCRIBE newsletter" in the text of the email { without the quotation marks. { { To subscribe: send email to { with "SUBSCRIBE newsletter" in the { text of the email without the quotation marks, using { your email address rather than johndoe's. { { Your email address is not sold or leased to junk mailers { or any other organization ... no spam, just BenefitsLink! { { To contribute information for publication or to learn { more about sponsoring an issue of the newsletter, please { reply to { { BenefitsLink is the national employee benefits Web site { at -- Dave Baker, Editor.