================================================== BenefitsLink Newsletter Free, useful information about U.S. tax and labor laws and new Internet resources, for employee benefit plan sponsors, service-providers and participants. ================================================== LESS UNCERTAINTY BUT MORE RULES: EPCRS NOW COVERS 403(b) PROGRAMS SPONSORED BY CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Newly released IRS Revenue Procedure 99-13 provides rules for the correction of various kinds of defects that can arise under an employer-sponsored 403(b) program. The new procedures includes rules for self-correction, voluntary correction coupled with fees and an IRS filing, and procedures for defects found on audit. In effect, 403(b) programs are now handled under much of the same rules that apply to tax-qualified plans under the IRS' employee plans compliance resolution system (EPCRS) that was set forth in Rev. Proc. 98-22 last year. The procedures are effective immediately, but "Taxpayer Voluntary Compliance" filings already made for 403(b) programs under earlier revenue procedures -- or new ones filed before July 1, 1999 -- can be processed under the earlier procedures (95-24 and 96-50). The full text of Rev. Proc. 99-13, with hypertext links, is online at http://www.benefitslink.com/IRS/revproc99-13.shtml ================================================== You can unsubscribe by sending email to majordomo@majordomo.net with "unsubscribe BL-newsletter" in the body of the message. Anyone can subscribe by sending email to majordomo@majordomo.net with "subscribe BL-newsletter" in the body of the message. This newsletter is published without charge by BenefitsLink, http://www.benefitslink.com/ Visit our sister site at http://EmployeeBenefitsJobs.com/