================================================== BenefitsLink Newsletter New U.S. tax and labor law materials on the net pertaining to employee benefits, for employers, participants and service-providers. ================================================== ONLINE LINK TO FULL TEXT OF REV. PROC. 99-23 -------------------------------------------------- The revenue procedure extending the remedial amendment period for amending tax-qualified retirement plans is online in full text at: http://www.benefitslink.com/IRS/revproc99-23.shtml (case-sensitive; IRS is in caps but nothing else is) ================================================== To unsubscribe: send email to majordomo@majordomo.net with "unsubscribe BL-newsletter" in the body of the message. Anyone can subscribe by sending email to majordomo@majordomo.net with "subscribe BL-newsletter" in the body of the message. Help wanted? Job wanted? See http://EmployeeBenefitsJobs.com/