================================================== BenefitsLink Newsletter New U.S. tax and labor law materials on the net pertaining to employee benefits, for employers, participants and service-providers. ================================================== JUST CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND A taxpayer who converted from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in 1998 later can elect "recharacterize" the IRA back into a traditional IRA. Until yesterday, a taxpayer who had filed his or her federal income tax return for 1998 was prevented from doing so. In Announcement 99-57, the IRS says that such a person now has the ability to elect such a recharacterization until October 15, 1999. An amended return reflecting the recharacterization would be required, by the usual deadline for filing an amended return (not by October 15). Full text of the announcement is online at: http://www.benefitslink.com/IRS/ann99-57.shtml ================================================== To unsubscribe: send email to majordomo@majordomo.net with "unsubscribe BL-newsletter" in the body of the message. Anyone can subscribe by sending email to majordomo@majordomo.net with "subscribe BL-newsletter" in the body of the message. Help wanted? Job wanted? See http://EmployeeBenefitsJobs.com/