================================================== BenefitsLink Newsletter New U.S. tax and labor law materials on the net pertaining to employee benefits, for employers, participants and service-providers. ================================================== JULY 2, 1999 - A new site, BenefitLink, began doing business on the Web yesterday, providing readers with a one-stop link to employee benefit shopping services. In particular, readers will find links to services that provide online comparisons of premiums and other features of group health plans that are being offered to employers and individuals by insurance companies, health maintenance organizations and third- party administrators of self-funded benefit plans. BenefitLink's audience is employers, individuals, plan administrators and the insurance community, including brokers, general agencies and independent agents. (BenefitLink is not affiliated with any of the employee benefit shopping services described on the BenefitLink site, and does not warrant their performance.) BenefitLink also provides convenient access to its sister site, BenefitsLink, which continues to operate as before. Both BenefitLink (www.benefitlink.net) and its sister site BenefitsLink (www.benefitslink.com) serve the same audience, but the sister site addresses employee benefit plans from a compliance perspective. The two sites are under common control. If you see an employee benefit shopping service on the Web that you'd like to recommend for publication on BenefitLink, please let us know! An online suggestion box appears at http://www.benefitlink.net/suggest.html ================================================== To unsubscribe: send email to majordomo@majordomo.net with "unsubscribe BL-newsletter" in the body of the message. Anyone can subscribe by sending email to majordomo@majordomo.net with "subscribe BL-newsletter" in the body of the message. Help wanted? Job wanted? See http://EmployeeBenefitsJobs.com/