Message Boards Digest
August 9, 2019
Here are the most recently added topics on the BenefitsLink Message Boards:
Jakyasar created a topic in Defined Benefit Plans, Including Cash Balance
Never dealt with the following as always use 3% non-elective SH. Existing DC plan with 401k+ADP safe harbor match+PS options (no ps contributions ever made). 10 eligible, only 4 deferring thus only 4 getting SH. Passes top heavy on its own. Want to add a DB plan and need to combine for all testing and top heavy. If a participant is in both plans and not getting any allocation under the DC plan because not referring, how is the top heavy allocation determined? If a participant is excluded from the DB plan and also not getting a SH because not deferring, how is the top heavy allocation determined?
Ensuring that your plan participants are prepared for retirement can be hard to do. Ready or Not: Your Retirement Planning Guide makes it easier. Order your copies today to ensure your participants have resources for retirement.
LostInNJ_FSA created a topic in Other Kinds of Welfare Benefit Plans
My spouse covers me and my son under his employer's insurance. We did not enroll in flex spending, either medical or dependent care with either of our employers for 2019. My spouse is quitting his job and we will lose coverage as of 8/31. My employer is allowing us to enroll in all plans we lost under my husband's plan (medical, dental, vision) but has told us we are unable to elect medical or dependent flexible spending. Is this correct? They sent me the SPD(?). I read through it but couldn't find anything saying I could or couldn't enroll. I'm in NJ, if that matters. Thanks!
BG5150 created a topic in Retirement Plans in General
Potential client employs people in several different unions. Wants to start a plan for those union employees only. But there are different requirements for eligibility for each union. The employer wants to put in "as specified in applicable CBA." Is that kosher?
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