
Message Boards Digest

November 14, 2022

Here are the most recently added topics on the BenefitsLink Message Boards:

EmpbAF created a topic in Retirement Plans in General

Excluding 'Previously Designated' HCEs from Coverage

"I have a client who has elected to exclude highly-compensated employees in order to avoid potential nondiscrimination or coverage issues due to some idiosyncrasies with their population. Due to one-time variation in bonuses, as well as the upcoming jump in the HCE threshold for 2023, we anticipate a few individuals may drop down into non-highly compensated employee pool. Would an exclusion for 'employees previously designated as HCEs' or employees making over a certain dollar amount be permissible? Do you all think the former would violate the 'definite written program' rule?"

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Stacy Woods created a topic in Retirement Plans in General

Second Qualified Domestic Relations Order Due to Divorce After Remarriage to Previous Spouse

"I was married for about 25 years after that we divorced in 2015. The judge granted her 1/2 of my 401(k) (QDRO). But then we married again and divorced in 2018 in which she failed to tell the judge or her lawyer that we had been married before. They granted her half of my 401(k) (QDRO). I just found out that one can only be granted a QDRO one time. So is the second QDRO legal? And what can I do now?"

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