
Message Boards Digest

November 23, 2022

Here are the most recently added topics on the BenefitsLink Message Boards:

M Norton created a topic in Distributions and Loans, Other than QDROs

Can Rollover from Pension to Roth IRA Count Toward RMD?

"Client has pension in TIAA, rolling $50,000 to Roth IRA and paying tax on that. He is also required to take an RMD, which is about $15,000. Can the $50,000 coming out of TIAA and going into the Roth cover his RMD requirement? It seems like that would be a 'no' but I am not an expert on this."

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AlbanyConsultant created a topic in 401(k) Plans

Consequences for Late EACA/QDIA Notice?

"Getting word that a plan I've been chasing is going to come with us. Sounds like they haven't yet gotten their safe harbor or EACA or QDIA notices from their current TPA or RK yet for 1/1/23. It's a SHNEC, so we can pass on that if we have to, fine. I'm getting information rapidly, but what if we just can't get enough to produce the EACA or QDIA notices by 12/1/22? I don't see any kind of remedy, like 'hand it out as soon as possible' anywhere. What kind of pickle are they in?"

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TPApril created a topic in 401(k) Plans

Owner of 1-Person Plan Dies -- How to Terminate?

"One-person plan and the owner died. Spouse survives him, though she was never in the plan. Does she sign the plan termination paperwork?"

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Santo Gold created a topic in Retirement Plans in General

Correcting Missed Deferrals for Now-Lost Participants

"We have a plan that missed providing deferral opportunities for quite a few employees over the years. They are going to go back and make good on calculating and depositing what is required for these individuals. However, several individuals have left the company years ago and they may not be able to locate them on their own. Any recommendations on a public or private services that can be used to search for lost participants?"

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