June 11, 2002 - 11,385 subscribers Today's sponsor: APSCREEN, Employee Locator (Click on company name or banner to learn more.) Benefit Administrators & HR Managers Easily Locate Lost Plan Participants In business since 1980, APSCREEN is a full-service, highly respected Consumer Reporting Agency. We quickly locate current addresses, name changes, and living/deceased status for your lost plan participants and/or past employees. Easily meet IRS/GATT/ERISA compliance regulations for $10 per name within 24 hours and pay no sign up fees or minimums. "APSCREEN's employee locator service makes our lives so much easier, our industry desperately needs this service!" -Judy Simons, TRI-AD, Escondido, CA (Help BenefitsLink to provide this newsletter at no charge to you -- our sponsors pay our way. Remember to visit them periodically; we try to make sure their products and services will be of interest to you. Thanks! --Editor) Avoid the Enron 401(k) Problem by Using ERISA 404(c) Excerpt: "The key to protecting yourself and your clients from these unpleasant surprises is to understand how to fully transfer investment responsibility from the rep and his clients to the employees who make the decisions." (Roger C. Siske on Hoover's Online) Analysis: Long-Awaited Update of 457 Plan Regulations Excerpt: "The regulations generally are proposed to be effective for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2001.... However, employers may rely on the proposed regulations for taxable years beginning after August 20, 1996 (the SBJPA general effective date).... The following summary emphasizes significant differences from the current regulations." (Groom Law Group) Determination Letter Process-- Current Status and Future Ideas (PDF) 44 pages; April 2002. Excerpt: "Delve into a presentation by the Director, EP Rulings & Agreements (April, 2002) which outlines the current status and future ideas of the determination letter process." (Internal Revenue Service) The Vulnerability of Unfunded Supplemental Pension Plans and Certain Deferred Comp Arrangements (PDF) Excerpt: "Born in the days of steady growth and the 'institutional firm,' unfunded partner pension plans represented faith in the ability of future partners to pay retirees' pensions through successive generations. Consultants have always reminded firms that these plans were unfunded, but the real risks seemed quite remote-- until recently. The difficulties being faced by retired partners of the troubled accounting firm Arthur Andersen show that the risks are real." (The Segal Company) Emphasis On CEO Pay Outweighs Focus On Results Excerpt: "In a five-year study of what it takes to turn good companies into great ones conducted at my management research laboratory, we'd speculated that executive compensation would play a key role in corporate transformation ... We were dead wrong in our speculations.... We learned in our research that making a company great has very little to do with how you compensate executives and everything to do with which executives you have to compensate in the first place." (USA Today via Yahoo! News) Supreme Court Upholds ADA Regulation on Refusal to Hire Workers Who Pose Threat to Themselves Excerpt: "In a rare showing of unanimity among this term's several employment law decisions, the Supreme Court today upheld the validity of an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulation that allows an employer to refuse to hire an individual if his disability would pose an on-the-job threat to the worker's own health." (Society for Human Resource Management) Newly Posted or Renewed Job Openings -
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Copyright 2002 BenefitsLink.com, Inc., but you may freely distribute this email newsletter in whole. This newsletter is edited by David Rhett Baker, J.D.