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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

April 23, 2021

2 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

You've Sent the COBRA Special Extended Election Period Notices. What's Next?

"The extended COBRA election and payment deadlines under earlier COVID-19 relief continue to apply for COBRA elections, but do not apply to elections of COBRA with the premium subsidy. This means the period for qualified beneficiaries to elect unsubsidized COBRA coverage is tolled until the end of the 'Outbreak Period', up to a maximum of one year."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

Upcoming Deadline icon DOL Issues Model COBRA Subsidy Notices and FAQs

"[Assistance Eligible Individuals (AEIs)] have 60 days from the date they receive the notice to enroll in COBRA coverage -- not from the date of the notice itself.... Employers should be aware that a failure to comply with notice requirements may subject them to an excise tax of $100 per qualified beneficiary or up to $200 per family for each day the plan or employer is in violation of COBRA rules."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

Paid Sick and EFMLA Leave Provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

"[E]mployers cannot prevent employees from taking the maximum allowable EPSL or EFMLA leave provided by the Rescue Plan or restrict usage of the leave to specific months. Such 'picking and choosing' may cause the employer to lose tax credit eligibility."  MORE >>

Vedder Price

[Guidance Overview]

Let Your Employees Get the COVID-19 Vaccination: You May Get a Tax Credit

"The tax credits become available for wages paid from April 1, 2021, through September 30, 2021.... The tax credit can be equal to paid sick leave wages up to two weeks (80 hours)."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

Washington Amends Its Paid Family and Medical Leave Act

"The Washington State Legislature has temporarily amended the state's Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) Act to create pandemic leave assistance grants for certain employees and employers. Employees and employers cannot apply for these grants until August 1, 2021. This amendment expires on June 30, 2023."  MORE >>

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Insurance Arrangement That Could End-Run ACA Goes Before Federal Appeals Court

"What if you could enroll in a group health plan just by downloading a software program? ... [T]hat's the heart of an issue currently being considered by a federal appeals court, and the outcome could deal a devastating blow to the [ACA] and state insurance regulations." [Data Marketing Partnership, LP v. DOL, No. 19-0800 (N.D. Tex. Sep. 28, 2020; on appeal to 5th Cir. No. 20-11179)]  MORE >>

BenefitsPro; free registration required

ACA Litigation: Section 1557, the ACA's Primary Nondiscrimination Provision

"There are at least two pending challenges to the Obama-era interpretation: Franciscan Alliance (before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals) and Religious Sisters of Mercy (which will likely be appealed to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals)."  MORE >>

Health Affairs Blog

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Health Insurance Specialist (Recent Graduates and Degree Candidates)
for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS] Health Insurance Specialist (Recent Graduates and Degree Candidates)

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS]

Telecommute / San Francisco CA / Boston MA / Chicago IL / Woodlawn MD / Seattle WA / New York NY

View job as Retirement Conversions/Implementation  Specialist
for Human Interest Retirement Conversions/Implementation Specialist

Human Interest

Telecommute / San Francisco CA

Press Releases

Ubiquity Retirement + Savings® Introduces ESG Funds to Small Business 401(k)s

Ubiquity Retirement + Savings

OneDigital Acquires Westminster Consulting, LLC

OneDigital Health and Benefits

Webcasts and Conferences
(Health & Welfare Plans)

ARPA Benefits Compliance Updates and FAQ, Part 4


NFP Corp.

HIPAA Breach & Penalties: Let’s Talk Compliance

April 30, 2021 WEBCAST

Foley & Lardner LLP

Untangling the New 2021 COBRA and FSA Rules in the American Rescue Plan Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act

May 13, 2021 WEBCAST

Worldwide Employee Benefits Network [WEB] - Baltimore Chapter

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

IRS Fact Sheet: Employer Tax Credits for Employee Paid Leave Due to COVID-19

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

Vaccine Incentives: You Have Questions, We Have Answers

Ogletree Deakins

ARPA COBRA Subsidy Special Election Opportunity: Who Gets a Second Bite at the Apple, and How Do They Take It?


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