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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

January 10, 2022


[Official Guidance]

Text of Agency FAQs, Part 51: FFCRA and CARES Act Implementation, COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing and Coverage of Preventive Services (PDF)

(16 pages.)

  1. Under section 6001 of the [Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)], are plans and issuers required to cover OTC COVID-19 tests available without an order or individualized clinical assessment by a health care provider? 
    A1 Yes....
  2. Q2 If a plan or issuer provides direct coverage of OTC COVID-19 tests, may it limit coverage to only tests that are provided through preferred pharmacies or other retailers? 
    A2 No....
  3. If a plan or issuer otherwise provides coverage without cost sharing for COVID-19 diagnostic tests, may a plan or issuer set limits on the number or frequency of OTC COVID-19 tests covered without cost sharing under a plan or coverage?
    A3 Yes, but only if the plan or issuer meets the conditions for the safe harbor described in this Q3....
  4. When providing coverage of OTC COVID-19 tests, are plans and issuers permitted to address suspected fraud and abuse?
    A4 Yes....
  5. How can plans and issuers facilitate access to, effective use of, and prompt payment for OTC COVID-19 tests?...
  6. When must plans and issuers begin providing coverage without cost-sharing, prior authorization, or other medical management requirements for OTC COVID-19 tests available without an order or individualized clinical assessment by a health care provider?
    A6 Plans and issuers must provide coverage without cost-sharing requirements, prior authorization, or other medical management requirements ... with respect to OTC COVID-19 tests available without an order or individualized clinical assessment by a health care provider purchased on or after January 15, 2022, and during the public health emergency....
  7. Are plans and issuers required to cover, without the imposition of any cost sharing, a follow-up colonoscopy conducted after a positive non-invasive stool-based screening test or direct visualization test (e.g., sigmoidoscopy, CT colonography)?
    A7 Yes....
  8. When must plans and issuers begin providing coverage without cost sharing for a follow-up colonoscopy after a positive non-invasive stool-based screening test or direct visualization test based on the new USPSTF recommendation? ...
    A8 [P]lans and issuers must provide coverage without cost sharing for plan or policy years beginning on or after May 31, 2022....
  9. What is expected of non-exempt plans and issuers regarding compliance with the requirement to cover contraceptive services under PHS Act section 2713?"

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]; U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]; and U.S. Treasury Department

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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.

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