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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

February 22, 2022

2 New Job Opportunities 2 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

Group Health Plan Mandate to Cover Over-the-Counter COVID-19 Tests

"Plans or issuers may wish to advise individuals not to seek reimbursement for OTC COVID-19 tests from a health FSA or HRA for the cost already paid or reimbursed by the plan or issuer and not to use health FSA, HRA or HSA debit cards or distributions from an individual's HSA account to purchase tests they plan to seek reimbursement for from the plan or issuer."  MORE >>

Armstrong Teasdale

[Guidance Overview]

Agencies Provide Further Guidance on Covering At-Home Tests for COVID-19

"The February 4 guidance provides additional flexibility for insurers at a time when new analysis suggests that many are not complying with the earlier requirements or have made it burdensome for enrollees to seek and obtain reimbursement for at-home tests."  MORE >>

Health Affairs

[Guidance Overview]

State Law Telehealth Update

"Some states have rescinded [public health emergency (PHE)] declarations, or simply allowed them to lapse. As a result, the regulatory flexibilities impacting telehealth services in those states have terminated.... Other states.... are making permanent changes that will make it easier for out-of-state health care providers to practice telehealth across state lines.... Interstate compacts are binding agreements between participating states that make it easier for providers to render telehealth services across state lines by creating an expedited path to licensure in participating states."  MORE >>

K&L Gates

[Guidance Overview]

No Surprises Act Fails to Remove All Surprises

"A [November 2021 Issue Brief by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Office of Health Policy] ... addresses some medical billing issues but ... does not address: [1] Proposed arbitration rules; [2] Concerns of 152 lawmakers who signed a letter arguing that the rules 'do not reflect the way the law was written, do not reflect a policy that could have passed Congress, and do not create a balanced process to settle payment disputes.' [3] How to protect consumers against 'exorbitant charges and balance billing when using ground ambulance services.' "  MORE >>

Employee Benefits Report

Wisconsin State Lawmakers Try Again for Paid Family Medical Leave Program

"The proposed leave program ... could create an employee-funded statewide insurance plan, with weekly paycheck deductions on a sliding scale based on income. The money would go into a state pool to be paid out to employees when they needed it for family medical leave. Neither the state nor employers would have to pay for the program[.]"  MORE >>

Wisconsin Examiner

Improving Drug Management: Employer Strategies on Biosimilars

24 pages. "[R]ecommendations for employers: ... [1] Amend coverage and communications to prioritize biosimilars and cover biomarker testing ... [2] Insist on total transparency on formulary placement and specifically the economics of biosimilars ... [3] Focus on low-net-cost while also considering the impact of gross costs on employee cost sharing ... [4] Ensure coverage of high-value biosimilars ... [5] Focus on the impact of site-of-care on cost of delivery."  MORE >>

National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Client Services Specialist
for IJOIN Client Services Specialist



View job as Defined Contribution Plan Administrator (Entry Level)
for MGKS Defined Contribution Plan Administrator (Entry Level)


Remote / Phoenix AZ

Webcasts and Conferences
(Health & Welfare Plans)

Parental Leave: Compliance, Parity, and Beyond

April 5, 2022 WEBCAST

Disability Management Employer Coalition [DMEC]

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Hawaii Employee Health and Leave Benefits May Need Special Attention


Second Circuit Upholds Plan's Denial of Severance Benefits Based on Layoff Definition Applying Section 409A

Thomson Reuters Practical Law

Fifth Circuit Reverses Denial of Preliminary Injunction in Employer Vaccine Mandate Case


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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.

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