Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
February 28, 2022
5 New Job Opportunities
How to Manage ACA Compliance for Boomerang Employees
"As labor shortages affect organizations across all industries, recruiters are turning to former employees as a lucrative talent pool. However, navigating [ACA] compliance when it comes to rehires, or 'boomerang' employees, presents a unique challenge for HR
professionals." MORE >>
Tango Health
District Court Vacates Rebuttable Presumption Under No Surprises Act Regs
"Among the vacated provisions is a rule that created a rebuttable presumption that the amount closest to the qualifying payment amount (QPA) is the proper payment amount for an NSA-covered item or service in disputes involving the NSA's independent dispute resolution
procedures." [Texas Medical Assoc. v. HHS, No. 21-0425 (E.D. Tex. Feb. 23, 2022)] MORE >>
Thomson Reuters Practical Law
District Court Strikes HHS No Surprises Act's Independent Dispute Resolution Procedures
"The court found that [HHS] had run afoul of the No Surprises Act's statutory scheme and the Administrative Procedure Act in implementing the arbitration system designed to handle payment disputes between out-of-network providers and facilities and group health plans and
health insurance issuers." [Texas Medical Assoc. v. HHS, No. 21-0425 (E.D. Tex. Feb. 23, 2022)] MORE >>
Improving the Cybersecurity Posture of Healthcare in 2022
"If you haven't looked at your risk management policies and procedures recently to prevent or mitigate these concerns, now is the time to do so. Some best practices include: [1] Maintaining offline, encrypted backups of data and regularly test your backups;
[2] Conducting regular scans to identify and address vulnerabilities, especially those on internet-facing devices, to limit the attack surface; [3] Regular patches and updates of software and Operating Systems; and [4] Training your employees regarding phishing and other common IT attacks." MORE >>
Office of Civil Rights [OCR], U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]
Proposal Would Extend Free COVID-19 Testing Beyond the Public Health Emergency
"The No Surprises for COVID-19 Tests Act [HR 6851] would extend coverage of COVID-19 testing at zero cost-sharing beyond
the Public Health Emergency period until December 31, 2023. Insurance companies would be required to continue to provide coverage for related items and services without imposing any cost-sharing, including for health provider office visits, urgent care visits and emergency room visits that result in an order of or administration of a COVID-19 test." MORE >>
Energy & Commerce Committee, U.S. House of Representatives
Debt Matters: Employers Are Missing a Key Benefit Need Among Workers
"[A recent] survey found that 63% of full-time workers at mid- to large-sized companies have at least one of three kinds of unsecured debt: credit card, medical, or personal loan debt. The survey asked workers with unsecured debt about ... resources like financial planning
apps, coaching or counseling, emergency grant funds, debt consolidation loans, and more. Fewer than 40% of respondents said their employer offers the benefit. One in five respondents said they didn't have access to any of the 13 debt-related benefits." MORE >>
HR Daily Advisor
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Press Releases |
Mutual of Omaha Launches Retirement Right Blueprint
Mutual of Omaha
NFP Acquires AFS Advisors, LLC, Expanding its Retirement Business
NFP Corp.
DCIIA Announces Retirement Research Center Executive Committee
Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association [DCIIA]
Mike Stewart Joins OneAmerica as Employee Benefits Regional VP
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
Preparing for Long-Term Care Expenses in Retirement
May 17, 2022 WEBCAST
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
When is an EAP a Group Health Plan Subject to COBRA?
If a Non-ALE Acquires an ALE Mid-Year, Does the Non-ALE Immediately Become an ALE?
Text of IRS FAQs for the Premium Tax Credit (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
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