Retirement Plans Newsletter
March 18, 2022
8 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Proposes to Significantly Tighten Prohibited Transaction Exemption Procedures
"DOL is proposing significant changes to the exemption application regulation. The proposal would codify some of DOL's existing policy positions that have already been applied in the course of some exemption requests but would also add a number of important new
requirements." MORE >>
Groom Law Group
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Cautions ERISA Fiduciaries on Offering Cryptocurrency Investments
"[Compliance Assistance Release 2022-01] raises questions as to what degree (if any) of indirect
exposure of plan participants to cryptocurrency investments through 'other products whose value is tied to cryptocurrencies' the Department will tolerate: i.e., whether indirect investment in a fund with a small percentage of its assets in cryptocurrency will be deemed to be unacceptably risky." MORE >>
Holland & Knight
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Expresses Extreme Skepticism About Allowing 401(k) Plan Participants to Invest in Cryptocurrency
"[Compliance Assistance Release 2022-01] marks a significant departure from the DOL's standard
position by indicating that an entire asset class should be viewed skeptically. ERISA, however, does not prohibit 401(k) plans from offering such investments. Including cryptocurrencies as a 401(k) plan investment option may or may not make sense for a particular plan depending on myriad factors." MORE >>
King & Spalding
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Sends Strong Warning to 401(k) Plan Fiduciaries About Cryptocurrency
"DOL's inclusion of brokerage windows in its statement about investigating cryptocurrency offerings is surprising. In a recent
report, the ERISA Advisory Council noted that participants who use brokerage windows tend to have above-average investment experience and financial sophistication -- factors that prompted the council to limit its recommendations to DOL.... Could DOL's investigation of cryptocurrency signal broader scrutiny of brokerage windows?" MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
CRS in Focus: State-Administered IRA Programs -- Overview and Considerations for Congress
"State-administered retirement programs are intended to provide savings options for workers without a workplace plan. States are taking a variety of approaches to these programs ... This In Focus describes the most common state-administered program -- the payroll
deduction IRA." [IF11611, Mar. 18, 2022] MORE >>
Congressional Research Service [CRS]
Barriers to ESG Adoption for Defined Contribution Plans: Insights from Consultants (PDF)
"Lack of consistent values across plan participants leads to difficulty in making appropriate fund selections.... Insufficient employee demand leads to delaying consideration.... Shifting political and regulatory environment has led to uncertainty." MORE >>
Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association [DCIIA]
How to Communicate the Integration of Sustainable Investing Within DC Plans (PDF)
"Many plan sponsors are at various stages of considering how to incorporate ESG into their retirement plan design and fund offerings.... This piece is intended to provide such plan sponsors and their service providers with a framework for engaging participants on the topic of ESG
and how it may be integrated into their retirement plan communications." MORE >>
Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association [DCIIA]
DOL Sounds Alarm on 401(k) Cryptocurrency Investments
"As those participating in 401(k) plans rely on their employers to provide prudent investment choices, the Pension Rights Center applauds EBSA's quick action to alert employers about potentially risky investment choices with the goal of preventing participants from
unknowingly putting their hard-earned money into risky investments." MORE >>
Pension Rights Center
Employee Benefits Jobs |
IUPAT Industry Pension Fund
Hanover MD
Selected New Discussions |
Cost to Print and Mail Enrollment Kits Is an Acceptable Plan Expense?
"Plan has online enrollment, but from time to time they get hardcopy enrollment kits mailed out. The sponsor is billed $X for each hard copy. I that an acceptable expense that can be paid out of the forfeiture account?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
403(b) Deferrals by Doctor at Hospital Affect His Solo Practice's DB/DC Combo?
"Doctor does some 403(b) deferrals through his work at a hospital. But he also has his own practice. (No deferrals for him there.) I know that the 403(b) deferrals count against the 415(c) limit under the practice's profit sharing plan, but would they also get included in the
401(a)(4) average benefits percentage test for the practice's cash balance and 401(k)/profit sharing plans?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Two Small Plans Merge Mid-Year. When Do They Become a Large Plan Filer?
"A single employer maintains two calendar year plans to avoid the audit. On January 1, 2022 Plan A has 90 participants and Plan B has 90 participants and both plans are identical from a benefits standpoint. On July 1, 2022 Plan B will merge into Plan A (waiting until 1/1/2023 to
merge is not an option due to other business reasons). On July 1, 2022 Plan A will have 180 participants approximately. Is Plan A a large plan filer beginning on January 1, 2023? Or does the mid year merger have any impact on making them a large filer for 2022?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Health Insurance Providers Honored Among the World’s Most Ethical Companies
AHIP [America's Health Insurance Plans]
'2022 ERISA Facts' Book Added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's Offerings
Law360 Selects Scott Stitt for 2022 Benefits Editorial Advisory Board
Tucker Ellis LLP
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
'The Great Resignation' - Structuring Benefits to Attract and Retain Talent
Williams Mullen
Stock Compensation Bootcamp For Financial Advisors
March 30, 2022 WEBCAST
ERISA Fee and Investment Litigation Update
April 21, 2022 WEBCAST
ALI CLE [American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Defined Contribution Plan Alert: IRS Proposes New Rules for Required Minimum Distributions
Caplin & Drysdale
DOL Takes On Digital Assets and Brokerage Windows
Warner Norcross & Judd LLP
Plan Terms and Tax Rules: What Does 'Retire' Mean to Qualify for Retirement Benefits?
Jackson Lewis P.C.
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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