Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
March 25, 2022
5 New Job Opportunities
Firing After FMLA Leave Did Not Violate FMLA
"[T]he court observed that the employer began tracking the plaintiff's mistakes well before she went on FMLA leave, and discovered additional errors while she was on such leave. In addition, the court noted that '[w]aiting to confirm the results of the investigation
supports a finding that the [employer] terminated the [plaintiff] based on performance,' and not as retaliation for taking FMLA leave." [Anderson v. Nations Lending Corp., No. 21-1885 (7th Cir. Mar. 9, 2022)] MORE >>
The Wagner Law Group
Ninth Circuit Reversal of United Behavioral Health Trial Court Order Provides Big Win for Payors
"The Ninth Circuit considered, in large part, whether United's internal guidelines for mental health and substance abuse coverage contravened generally accepted standards of care. It held that United's interpretation -- that the plans did not require consistency with
the generally accepted standards of care -- was not unreasonable." [Wit, et al. v. United Behavioral Health, Nos. 20-17363, 21-15193, 20-17364, 21-15194 (9th Cir. Mar. 22, 2022; unpub.)] MORE >>
Troutman Pepper
Survey Says: Supplemental Insurance Plans Deliver Financial Peace of Mind
"Supplemental insurance enrollees continue to be overwhelmingly satisfied with their plans and rate them highly. Consumers are particularly satisfied with the service they receive from health insurance providers.... Having supplemental insurance has prevented consumers from
experiencing financial hardships or being forced to make choices between their health and their financial well-being." MORE >>
America's Health Insurance Plans [AHIP]
More Than $300 Billion in Health Care Spending Goes to Middlemen. We Need Accountability.
"Health insurance plans and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), middlemen who work for and are owned by the same companies as health insurance plans, continue to mislead people about their role in determining the price you pay at the pharmacy counter. Their shell game makes it
easier to deflect attention from how they spend the mammoth discounts -- about a third of a trillion dollars (more than half of the initial price of medicines) and why those growing discounts and rebates aren't being used to lower the price you pay at the pharmacy counter." MORE >>
Adam Gluck of Sanofi, via RealClearPolicy
Benefits in General |
Attorney Work Product in the ERISA Context (PDF)
17 pages. "Rooted in the common law of trusts, the fiduciary exception is based upon the rationale that the benefit of any legal advice obtained by a trustee regarding matters of plan administration runs to the beneficiaries. ... Applying the ERISA fiduciary's role to the
role of trustees at common law, courts have relied upon one of two related rationales in recognizing the fiduciary exception." MORE >>
The Wagner Law Group, via Benefits Law Journal
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Press Releases |
IPB Welcomes Tom Cryan to Its Benefits & Compensation Practice
Ivins Phillips Barker
NFP Acquires Achilles & Associates to Further Expand its Full-service P&C and Benefits Capabilities Across Business Lines
NFP Corp.
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
How Social Determinants of Health Are Costing Employers – Whether They Know it or Not
Changing Audit Standards for Employee Benefit Plan Audits
April 20, 2022 WEBCAST
Western Pension & Benefits Council
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
A Primer on ERISA's Preemption of State Laws
Text of CMS Bulletin: Extended Non-Enforcement of ACA Compliance with Respect to Certain Policies (PDF)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS], U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS]
Reimagining the Rules of Civil Procedure for ERISA Claims
DeBofsky Sherman Casciari Reynolds P.C.
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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