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Retirement Plans Newsletter

April 20, 2022

4 New Job Opportunities 4 New Job Opportunities


401(k) Cybersecurity Risk Increases with Remote Workforce

"According to [a recent study] which explores how employees perceive privacy, security, productivity, and personal well-being in the finance industry, security breaches are a top concern for employees, so much so that they're quitting their jobs over it.... Three-fourths of finance workers believe they will get fired for a data breach. Sixty-eight percent believe their executives should be fired for a breach. Forty-two percent know someone who has exposed their employer to a breach."  MORE >>


Americans Overwhelmingly Preserved Retirement Nest Eggs in 2021

"Only 2.2 percent of DC plan participants stopped contributing to their plans in 2021, consistent with the activity observed in the previous years for which ICI has tracked these data. That compares with 2.3 percent in 2020 and 3.4 percent in 2009 -- another time of financial stress."  MORE >>

Investment Company Institute [ICI]

We're In a Controlled Group. What Happens to Our 401(k) Plan Now?

"Whether you made the mistake of thinking that you were or were not in either a controlled group of companies (CG) or an affiliated service group (ASG), your plan will have fundamental tax qualification issues that must be corrected ... If it turns out that some entities were not in a CG, you will have a multiple employer plan (MEP), not a single employer plan.... The issues are very similar if you mistakenly thought that certain entities were not part of the CG or ASG with the employer sponsoring the plan when in fact they were. The employers may all have separate plans and some may not."  MORE >>

Employee Benefits Law Group

When Might a Cash Balance Plan Be a Good Fit?

"Cash balance plans are most popular among smaller, well-established firms that have significant and consistent cash flow ... They also work well for older small business owners who are no longer making heavy investments in their businesses, and have significant amounts of pass-through income, resulting in high tax bills. To determine suitability for a cash balance plan, consider the following questions."  MORE >>

Retirement Learning Center, LLC

Good Practice Principles in Modelling Defined Contribution Retirement Plans

"[The authors] establish 16 good practice principles for modelling defined contribution pension plans ... [including] the following issues: [1] modelling member choices; [2] modelling member characteristics, such as occupation and gender; [3] modelling plan charges; [4] modelling longevity risk; ... [5] integrating the pre- and post-retirement periods; [6] modelling additional sources of income, such as the state pension and equity release; ...and [7] overall fitness for purpose."  MORE >>

Kevin Dowd and David P. Blake, via SSRN

78% of 401(k) Retirement Savers Believe ESG Investments Perform Better

"More than three-quarters of 401(k) retirement savers believe ESG companies perform better over time than non-ESG companies.... Some research supports that theory.... But other reports share less-compelling conclusions about ESG companies."  MORE >>

Motley Fool

Identify Client Preferences by Creating a 'Retirement Income Style Awareness' Profile

"While there are countless ways to approach retirement planning, four broad strategies include total return ... income protection ... risk wrap ... and time segmentation ... Each of these credible approaches emphasizes an individual's distinct personal retirement income preferences. For financial advisors, the starting point to help clients who choose to pursue any retirement strategy begins with first identifying the client's retirement income style."  MORE >>

Alejandro MurguĂ­a and Wade Pfau, via Nerd's Eye View

Cut Your Retirement Spending Now, Says Creator of the 4% Rule

"The longstanding method calls for spending 4% in the first year of retirement, and then adjusting that amount annually to keep pace with inflation. Such an approach would have protected retirees from running out of money in every 30-year period since 1926, even when economic conditions were at their worst [said retired financial planner Bill Bengen, who first devised the 4% rule in 1994]. 'The problem is that there's no precedent for today's conditions,' he said."  MORE >>

The Wall Street Journal; subscription may be required

How to Solve the Advice Puzzle Now Facing Less-Affluent Retirement Savers

"[N]early a third of retirement investors with less than $250,000 in household investable assets indicate they do not have enough investable assets to justify using an advisor ... [E]ven though several digital advice solutions with low minimum investment requirements exist in the market today, retirees almost never identify these platforms as their primary source of retirement advice, the report observes."  MORE >>

American Retirement Association [ARA]

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Senior Retirement Analyst
for Dunbar, Bender & Zapf, Inc. Senior Retirement Analyst

Dunbar, Bender & Zapf, Inc.

Remote / Pittsburgh PA

View job as Senior Retirement Analyst
for Dunbar, Bender & Zapf, Inc.

View job as Plan Services Consultant II
for CUNA Mutual Plan Services Consultant II

CUNA Mutual


View job as Plan Services Consultant II
for CUNA Mutual

View job as Sr. Actuarial Analyst
for Newport Sr. Actuarial Analyst


Chicago IL / Dallas TX

View job as Sr. Actuarial Analyst
for Newport

View job as ESOP Analyst
for Newport ESOP Analyst


Remote / MI

View job as ESOP Analyst
for Newport

Press Releases

Diane Landi Promoted to Chief Operating Officer of the Angell Pension Group

The Angell Pension Group

National Bankers Community Alliance Partners with iGrad and the HBCU Community Development Action Coalition on Financial Wellness Pilot Program to Help Close Racial Wealth Gap

National Bankers Community Alliance [NBCA]

Ascensus Announces Key Hires in Government Savings Business


Naomi Fink Appointed as Chairperson and Kelly Hahn as Vice-Chairperson of EBRI's Retirement Security Research Center

EBRI [Employee Benefit Research Institute]

Webcasts and Conferences
(Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation)

Keeping Participant PII Safe in 2022


PBI Research Services

Trends in 3(38) for Plan Sponsors


CAPTRUST Financial Advisors

Benefit from Partnering with a Third-Party Fiduciary

April 21, 2022 WEBCAST

Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.

IRA Beneficiary Distributions: Part 2

May 17, 2022 WEBCAST


Master the Rules for Short and Off-Calendar Year Plans

May 26, 2022 WEBCAST


ERISA Plan Investment Committee Governance: Avoiding Breach of Fiduciary Duty Claims

June 8, 2022 WEBCAST


Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Backdoor Roth IRA Conversions: Beware the Pro Rata Rule


Physical Possession of American Eagle Coins Resulted in Taxable Distribution from Self-Directed IRA (PDF)

The Wagner Law Group

Text of IRS Notice 2022-16: Weighted Average Interest Rates, Yield Curves, and Segment Rates for April 2022 (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

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