Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
May 9, 2022
10 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Signals Heightened Enforcement of Non-Quantitative Treatment Limitation Requirements
"[The DOL's] 2022 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) Report to Congress ... found that plans were
not complying with the new comparative analysis requirement for non-quantitative treatment limitations (NQTLs) added by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.... This post provides plan sponsors with a high-level overview of the NQTL rules, significant issues identified by the DOL in the Report, and what sponsors can do to prepare for the on-going enforcement efforts." MORE >>
Verrill Dana LLP
[Guidance Overview]
No Surprises Act: An Overview of the IDR Process
"The federal [independent dispute resolution (IDR)] process is administered through the federal IDR Portal. The federal IDR
process is complicated and will be challenging for anyone to comply with, but it can be broken down into the [roughly ten] steps." MORE >>
McAfee & Taft
Eighth Circuit: Life Insurer Breached ERISA Fiduciary Duties by Maintaining Faulty Enrollment System
"The court explained that the mere receipt of bulk-billing payments does not automatically make an insurer a fiduciary but here, the policy and Reliance's practices make it a relevant fiduciary.... Reliance had a duty of loyalty to verify that premiums it received came only
from eligible, enrolled employees.... Allowing Reliance to escape liability because it designed a faulty enrollment system would endorse willful blindness." [Skelton v. Radisson Hotel Bloomington, No. 21-2641 (8th Cir. May 6, 2022)] MORE >>
Roberts Disability Law
Consumer Health Behavior and the COVID-19 Pandemic
"Consumers have grown bullish about receiving more of their healthcare at home.... Providers and consumers may be misaligned on how telehealth should be used.... 18-24 year olds have been most affected by the mental health impacts of COVID-19. Here's where they are turning
for help.... The pandemic fire-tested new strategies for clinical trials. Will moving trials out of the hospital help boost enrollment?" MORE >>
What Employers Need to Know About Employee Leave
"Employee leave is complex. And while offering options to replace income is a great start, it's only the beginning.... Employees want support and education.... Employees struggle to find information that's clear, comprehensive.... A negative employee experience can create
a poor employer perception.... The return-to-work experience is as important as the leave." MORE >>
A Value-Based Approach to America's Costly Prescription Drug Problem
"[A] value-based approach would prevent Medicare from overpaying for drugs that provide little or no improvement in health relative to alternative therapies and free up resources to invest in worthy alternatives.... Private payers and some state Medicaid programs already turn to
value assessments to understand whether new treatments, particularly those with high price tags, are worth the investment." MORE >>
The Commonwealth Fund
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Attorney Alice Chih-Mei Chen joins The Wagner Law Group
The Wagner Law Group P.C.
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Mental Health Parity Compliance Assistance
May 24, 2022 WEBCAST
Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA], U.S. Department of Labor
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Employee Benefit Plan Amendments and Disclosures Required This Year
Smith & Downey, P.A.
Copayment Coupons and the Pricing of Prescription Drugs
Watko Benefit Group
The Looming Demise of Roe Ties Healthcare Even More Firmly to Employers
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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