Retirement Plans Newsletter
May 13, 2022
23 New Job Opportunities
[Official Guidance]
Text of IRS Notice 2022-27: Extension of Temporary Relief from the Physical Presence Requirement for Certain Witnesses Through December 31, 2022 (PDF)
"This notice provides a 6-month extension, through December 31, 2022, of the temporary relief provided in Notice 2021-40 from the requirement in Section 1.401(a)-21(d)(6)(i) that certain participant elections be witnessed in the physical presence of a plan representative or a notary public (the physical presence requirement). This extension of relief is
provided in response to the continuing [COVID-19] pandemic." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Dealing with Undocumented Workers in ERISA Plans
"ERISA does not exclude individuals otherwise qualifying as common law employees from plan rights and protections simply because of their immigration status. However, although the [DOL] has affirmed that other federal statutes, such as the FLSA, protect undocumented workers, it
has conspicuously failed to formally state that ERISA does too." MORE >>
Jackson Lewis P.C.
PBGC Staff Provide Informal Guidance on Standard Terminations
"Employers undergoing a standard termination of their defined benefit (DB) pension plan should take care when coordinating the dates of a lump-sum window and an annuity purchase.... [PBGC] representatives, speaking informally at a meeting with ... delegates from four major professional organizations for actuaries -- also addressed how certain administrative delays affect post-distribution certification filings (Form 501) and pointed out an increase in the threshold for a standard termination audit." MORE >>
Retirement Investment Industry Facing Great Change
"New ways of working and saving will quadruple the nation's retirement savings pool ... With it will come demands by consumers and investors for a better, more familiar, experience in dealing with investment advisors, tracking performance, and understanding new
products.... [M]ore companies are embracing artificial intelligence and virtual reality as ways to put more control in the hands of consumers as they make their retirement investment choices and review options." MORE >>
Fact Sheet: Confidence in Having a Comfortable Retirement (PDF)
"The 2022 Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS) finds just under three-quarters of American workers (73 percent) feel confident in their ability to have enough money to live comfortably throughout their retirement ... The share of workers reporting that they feel either
very or somewhat confident has increased significantly since 2017 (73 percent vs. 60 percent in 2017) and is not statistically different from its 2020 level, before the start of the pandemic." MORE >>
Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]
Fact Sheet: Expectations About Retirement (PDF)
"Workers continue to report an expected median retirement age of 65, while retirees report they retired at a median age of 62 ... Workers are notably more likely to say they expect to retire at ages 70 or older. Over 1 in 4 (29 percent) workers expect to retire at 70 or
beyond or not at all, while only 7 percent of retirees report this was the case." MORE >>
Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]
The State of Retirement in America
"Of the 47.8 million Americans ages 65 and older, the average income is only $38,515 dollars, according to the U.S. Census, and their average net worth is $170,516. With numbers like that, saving for retirement can be challenging." MORE >>
Motley Fool
Retirement Asset Decumulation Patterns Among Public Sector Workers (PDF)
20 pages. "[N]early half of public sector employees are taking no action with their defined contribution plan funds once retired. Looking out ten years from general employees' last contributions, 48% of plan participants had not taken any partial disbursements, and 72% had
not taken any full disbursements.... 27% of plan participants took their first partial disbursement within the same year of retirement, while 11% took a full disbursement that first year." MORE >>
Mission Square Research Institute
For a Decade, Pensions Wanted Yield from Real Assets; Now They Want Inflation Protection
"Between 2011 and 2021, institutional investors increased their aggregate allocations to real assets -- including commodities, precious metals, real estate, and natural resources -- by 7.8 percent ... Total public pension plan allocations to U.S. and non U.S.
equity and fixed income decreased by 2.5 percent during the same period." MORE >>
Institutional Investor
Benefits in General |
[Official Guidance]
IRS Disaster Relief Announcement NM-2022-05 for New Mexico Wildfires and Straight-Line Winds
"Victims of Wildfires and Straight-line Winds beginning April 5, 2022, now have until August 31, 2022, to file various individual and business tax returns and make tax payments ... Individuals and households affected by Wildfires and Straight-line Winds that reside
or have a business in Colfax, Lincoln, Mora, San Miguel and Valencia counties qualify for tax relief." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
[Guidance Overview]
Auditor's Report 'Disclaimer of Opinion' for Form 5500 Filings
"The limited scope audit related to Form 5500 filings is now more involved and has a new name: the ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) audit. From a plan sponsor's perspective, the changes do not
affect anything in ERISA. Therefore, a sponsor's ability to elect such an audit continues. The new rules change what is expected of the plan auditor, starting with the 2021 filing year in most cases." MORE >>
The Retirement Advantage
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Retirement Client Services Manager
Remote / Folsom CA / Chicago IL / Saint Petersburg FL / Lake Mary FL / La Crosse WI / Charlotte NC / Mobile AL / Overland Park KS / Dallas TX / West Des Moines IA / Los Angeles CA / Pittsburgh PA
Retirement Relationship Manager - 401(k), 403(b)
Remote / Folsom CA / Saint Petersburg FL / Lake Mary FL / Chicago IL / West Des Moines IA / Overland Park KS / Minneapolis MN / Lake Mary FL / Charlotte NC / Greensboro NC / De Pere WI / La Crosse WI / AZ / CO / GA / MA / MD / MI / MO / NJ / NY / OH / SC / TX / VA
Press Releases |
Goalpath Solutions Incorporates the Broadridge Fi360 Fiduciary ScoreĀ® Into Its Investment Strategies
GoalPath Solutions, LLC
CDPHP Selects Capital Rx as New Pharmacy Benefit Manager
Retirement Advisor Rich Schainker Joins Newfront's Retirement Services Team
Transamerica Introduces Workplace Emergency Savings Accounts
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Retirement Industry Research: Insights for Plan Sponsors
CAPTRUST Financial Advisors
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
IRS Issue Snapshot: Calculation of Retirement Plan Compensation for Partnerships
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
The Pros and Cons of Keeping Assets in DC Plans (PDF)
Defined Contribution Institutional Investment Association [DCIIA]
Must ERISA Actuarial Equivalence Be 'Reasonable'?
Carlton Fields
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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