Retirement Plans Newsletter
May 16, 2022
8 New Job Opportunities
SECURE 2.0 Means Change May Be Coming for Retirement Plans (PDF)
"[1] Required automatic enrollment and escalation for new retirement plans.... [2] Changes to required minimum distributions.... [3] Changes to catch-up contributions.... [4] Treatment of student loan payments as elective deferrals for purposes of matching
contributions.... [5] Small immediate financial incentives for contributing to a plan.... [6] Expanded coverage of long-term, part-time workers.... [7] Recovery of retirement plan overpayments.... [8] Safe harbor for corrections of elective deferral failures." MORE >>
King & Spalding, via Law360
Complexities Abound with SECURE 2.0
"The House recently approved a bill of proposed changes to U.S. tax-qualified retirement plans, ... commonly known as 'Secure 2.0' [HR 2954] ... [T]he legislation's proposed effective dates are for plan years after December 31, 2022. Plan sponsors could struggle or perhaps even be unable to comply with such an aggressive timetable." MORE >>
Bitcoin's Plunge Shows Why It Shouldn't Be in Your 401(k)
"If individual investors are spooked into selling -- locking in their losses -- during falling stock and bond prices backed by companies they know and understand, what then can we expect from those contemplating adding the more volatile and misunderstood cryptocurrency
to their retirement portfolio?" MORE >>
Michelle Singletary, via The Spokesman-Review
ESG Investing Among ERISA Retirement Plans: The Latest Trends and Outlook
"This article draws on Russell Investments' experience working with some of the world's largest and best-known institutional investors, dedicated manager research resources and ongoing ESG research to draw out some observations on the adoption of ESG by ERISA qualified
plans, delve into what may be influencing those decisions and provide guidance on how to move forward on ESG." MORE >>
Seeking Alpha; free registration required
Public Pensions' New Quandary: Coping with Geopolitical Turmoil
"If autocracy is moving the world toward deglobalization, geopolitical investment principles should complement environmental, social and governance factors. There's a lot for pension boards and investment managers to keep in mind." MORE >>
Differences in Financial Perspectives and Retirement Security by Racial and Ethnic Groups (PDF)
15 pages. "Plan sponsors, advisors and employers need to understand the differences in financial perspectives and retirement security by racial and ethnic groups and identify strategies to help reduce disparities and improve benefit programs and their outcomes. Human resources
and employee benefit strategies -- as well as bigger picture organizational strategies that support human resource strategies -- can improve retirement security for these Americans, while other solutions can benefit individuals without access to employer-sponsored retirement plans." MORE >>
Benefits Quarterly, published by the International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists [ISCEBS]
Should You Consider a Roth Conversion While the Market Is Down?
"While a down market may not be a fun time for investors, there are some bright spots and opportunities to be had. Stock market drops like we've seen recently might make a Roth IRA conversion more appealing as a strategy for investors.... There are a few things to consider
before pulling the trigger." MORE >>
Benefits in General |
Ready for a Sale? Prepare Executive Compensation Arrangements and Employee Benefit Plans
"For many private companies, spring can be a time with fewer calendar year-driven HR projects.... Accordingly, this may be the perfect time to take stock of your executive compensation arrangements and employee benefit plans so that you are ahead of any issues that may arise in
the context of an ultimate sale or liquidity event.... This post provides general guidelines, suggestions, and considerations for getting started on the deal process and getting organized." MORE >>
Morgan Lewis
Retiree Health Care Costs Jump After Brief Respite
"Fidelity Investment's 2022 Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate increased 5% from 2021, and the figure has nearly doubled since the initial $160,000 estimate in 2002.... For 2022, Fidelity estimates that a 65-year-old couple retiring this year can expect to spend an
average of $315,000 on health care costs throughout retirement. The estimates for single retirees are $150,000 for men and $165,000 for women. For single retirees, the 2021 estimate was $157,000 for women and $143,000 for men." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Two Employees Mistakenly Not Offered Opportunity to Defer
"I have a client who was reviewing entry and discovered they missed two employees who were eligible 1/1/2022. They are going to provide the enrollment information ASAP. There is no match, so just the missed deferral If the employees return the forms and indicate they do not want
to defer, do you still have to provide a QNEC for the MDO? Their NHC ADP average is low, if they return the form and want to defer 10%, can I use that percentage for my correction instead of waiting until next year when I do the ADP test?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Where to Get Lifetime Income Numbers?
"So we asked Relius why we could not get our Lifetime income numbers to work and they said, 'Prior to generating any reports or results, the user must download needed tables and updates into Relius.... These rates must be updated monthly and are available from FIS. They are
typically available for download by the fifth business day of the following month.' What they don't mention is WHERE we get the rates. Anyone know?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
NWPS Continues to Add to Its Business Development Team with Another Industry Professional, Kirsten Schmieding AIF, CPFA
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Hot Topics in the Multiemployer Benefits World Podcast
Deciphering Crypto: Understanding Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency Assets
May 18, 2022 WEBCAST
Western Pension & Benefits Council
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Dealing with Undocumented Workers in ERISA Plans
Jackson Lewis P.C.
PBGC Staff Provide Informal Guidance on Standard Terminations
Text of IRS Notice 2022-27: Extension of Temporary Relief from the Physical Presence Requirement for Certain Witnesses Through December 31, 2022 (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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