Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
June 3, 2022
7 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
CMS Fact Sheet Summarizes HIPAA Requirements for Electronic Health Care Transactions
"The fact sheet first summarizes general rules and lists the transactions for which standards have been adopted. It then
describes the requirements for unique identifiers for health care providers and employers, and concludes with a summary of code sets." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
[Guidance Overview]
New Guidance Issued by DOL Regarding Mental Health and the FMLA
"The publications do not create new law or obligations on employers, but provide detailed discussion, including hypothetical fact-patterns, explaining when an employee may be entitled to a job-protected leave of absence under the FMLA for their own mental health condition, or
when they are providing care for a family member with a mental health condition." MORE >>
Jackson Lewis P.C.
[Guidance Overview]
Amendment to Washington State Paid Family and Medical Leave Act's Waiting Period Benefits Employees
"Effective June 9, 2022, the waiting period will [1] no longer count against the employees' benefit entitlement (of up to 18 weeks in some circumstances) and [2] no longer be required for birth parents requiring medical leave immediately following the birth of
a child." MORE >>
Jackson Lewis P.C.
FMLA 'Interference' Doesn't Require Denial of Leave: Employment and Labor Insider
"According to the panel, a claim for 'interference' under the Family and Medical Leave Act does not require a finding that the employee was actually denied leave. Any words or actions that would discourage an employee from taking leave will be enough." [Ziccarelli v. Dart, No. 19-3435 (7th Cir. Jun. 1, 2022)] MORE >>
Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete LLP
Addressing Employee Health Plan Exception Requests, Part 2
"There are two main issues for employers to consider upon receiving a request to enroll a part-time employee who is working below the required hours threshold for health plan eligibility.... [1] The insurance carrier limitations; and [2] The ERISA plan precedent.... The
issues associated with making an exception in most cases far outweigh the typical hardship case or other motivation presented by the part-time employee requesting the enrollment." MORE >>
How High-Deductible Health Plans Affect Use of Health Care Services and Spending Among Enrollees with Mental Health Disorders (PDF)
"Switching plans reduced not only the extent of mental health care use, but also the amount of other health care services used among patients with mental health disorders after moving from a PPO to a high-deductible health plan (HDHP)." MORE >>
Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]
Premium Increases Are Low When Employers Add Pre-Deductible Coverage for Preventive Services (PDF)
"The impact on premiums of expanding pre-deductible coverage for 14 services in HSA-eligible health plans as allowed in IRS Notice 2019-45 is small. Estimated premium increases range from virtually zero to 1.5 percent. There is no expected premium increase when deductibles are replaced by coinsurance, use of health care services is assumed not to increase due to lower cost sharing, and enrollees' related diagnoses are required." MORE >>
Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]
Flexible Spending Accounts: Majority of Participants Withdrawing Almost as Much as They Contributed in 2020 (PDF)
"The average FSA contribution in 2020 was larger than in 2019. The vast majority of workers took a distribution, and among workers who took a distribution, the average distribution was similarly larger than in 2019.... FSA contributions and balances did not significantly vary
based on whether the accountholder had a 'use-it-or-lose-it' FSA, an FSA with a grace period, or an FSA with a rollover feature." MORE >>
Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]
Bike Bonuses and Rewards Are Your New Favorite Return to the Office Incentive
"What would it take for you to return to the office? ... From hybrid strategies to fully in office -- or somewhere in between -- expanding your perspective to include Commuter Benefits, plus weave in wellness and sustainability factors, may just be the win-win you
need to wow your talent." MORE >>
2022 Annual Report of the Medicare Board of Trustees (PDF)
263 pages. "The estimated depletion date for the HI trust fund is 2028, 2 years later than projected in last year's report.... For the 75-year projection period, the HI actuarial deficit has decreased to 0.70 percent of taxable payroll from 0.77 percent in last
year's report.... [T]he COVID-19 pandemic has had significant effects on the short-term financing and spending of the Medicare program, but the financial status of the trust funds has not materially changed. The Trustees project that expenditures will increase in future years at a faster pace than either aggregate workers' earnings or the economy overall and that, as a percentage of GDP, spending will increase from 3.9 percent
in 2021 to 6.5 percent by 2096." MORE >>
The Boards of Trustees, Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Funds
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Press Releases |
Virginia’s State-Facilitated Private Retirement Program Scheduled to Launch in 2023
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
Health Plan Transparency Requirements
Williams Mullen
2022 High-Cost Claims and Injectable Drug Trends Analysis
June 8, 2022 WEBCAST
Sun Life Financial
Applying ERISA Fiduciary Rules to Health Plans, Services and Products 2022
October 19, 2022 WEBCAST
PLI [Practising Law Institute]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Leveraging ICHRA for Employer Groups
Interaction Between FMLA and Mental Health Conditions
The Wagner Law Group
District Court Dismisses Section 510 Benefits Interference Claim Made by Law Firm Associate
Thomson Reuters Practical Law
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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