Retirement Plans Newsletter
June 20, 2022
5 New Job Opportunities
[Official Guidance]
Text of Updated PBGC FAQs: American Rescue Plan Act
Updated June 17, 2022, to include one new Q&A: "How will PBGC assess the reasonableness of a proposed change in the assumption regarding the inclusion of benefits for older terminated vested participants in the cash flow projection used to determine the amount of
Special Financial Assistance (SFA)?" MORE >>
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]
Third Circuit: Feds Can't Sue Over TSP Gains Missed During Shutdowns
"A group of ... employees sued the government, arguing they were entitled to damages because the 35-day government shutdown in 2018 and early 2019 meant, along with their pay, contributions to the TSP were delayed. Because the lapse in appropriations occurred while 'the
most popular [TSP] funds increased over 10%,' they missed out on those gains.... [The Third Circuit] found that while the 1986 Federal Employees' Retirement System Act allows federal employees to sue in instances when agencies do not make TSP contributions within 12 days of the end of a pay period, that does not extend to the potential gains those contributions might have produced." [John Doe v. U.S., No. 21-2140 (3d Cir. Jun. 13, 2022)] MORE >>
Government Executive
Arbitration Clauses Tied to ERISA Claims Face Uncertain Fate
"As a result of court rulings and the challenges of creating arbitration clauses that don't run afoul of ERISA or states' laws or legal precedent, the theoretical allure of arbitration to avoid an expensive ERISA court battle may be tempered by unclear reality.... [Plan
sponsors] are cautious not only because of conflicting legal rulings but also because their cost-benefit analyses indicate arbitration might not be worth the time and expense." MORE >>
Pensions & Investments
JCT Description of the Chairman's Mark of the 'Enhancing American Retirement Now (EARN) Act'
Joint Committee on Taxation [JCT], U.S. Congress
Senate Finance Committee Rolls Out Massive SECURE 2.0 Counterpart
American Retirement Association [ARA]
Public Pension Reforms and Retirement Decisions: Narrative Evidence and Aggregate Implications
"In response to pension retrenchments implemented immediately, people close to retirement stay in the work force longer. News about future pension retrenchments with implementation lags, however, is likely to lead this group to exit the labor market. This decline in the labor
force participation rate is particularly strong for reforms with long lags, ones that introduce fundamental policy changes, and where citizens have lower trust in the government." MORE >>
National Bureau of Economic Research [NBER]; purchase required for full document
Designing a Portfolio to Weather Tumultuous Periods and Achieve Your Financial Goals
"[F]inancial advisors generally prefer to promote probability-based approaches involving significant investment in equities. Actuaries and economists, however, prefer to match non-risky assets with essential spending liabilities utilizing a safety-first approach (also known as
liability driven investing). This doesn't mean that retired households that utilize a safety-first approach shouldn't invest in equities (they should), but in order to avoid taking on too much investment risk, they need to focus first on funding their Floor Portfolio and second on funding their Upside Portfolio." MORE >>
Ken Steiner, FSA Retired
The Pleading Standard for Fiduciary Imprudence Cases: The Sixth and Seventh Circuits Disagree in Oral Arguments on What the Supreme Court Held in Hughes v. Northwestern
"Six months after the Supreme Court decision in Northwestern, we have one highly respected appellate judge saying that the Supreme Court was 'perfectly clear' that all excessive cases must be allowed to proceed to discovery, and that the only way for plan
fiduciaries to justify their behavior is on a motion for summary judgment. But another respected appellate judge takes the opposite position that the Northwestern decision was limited to just one issue and that the Court ruled that plaintiffs must allege sufficient facts about an imprudent process in order to proceed beyond the motion to dismiss stage." MORE >>
Euclid Specialty Managers
More Problems with Lifetime Income Disclosures
"Many participants do not look at their quarterly statements, preferring the immediate feedback of checking online information with current account balances and asset allocations, Those who do look at their quarterly statements often stop at the first page if the account balance
meets their expectations, remaining unaware of information on fees, projected income, etc.... Only a handful will understand the retirement income estimates, what is in, what is left out, and why the estimates change." MORE >>
401(k) Specialist
Benefits in General |
Form 5500 Reminders for Plan Sponsors
"The due date may be extended if Form 5558 is properly filed with the IRS by the due date.... The information entered onto a Form 5558 should match the Form 5500 and the plan ... [R]ecognize it is your filing made under penalty of perjury; not that of a
service provider who may have populated the form ... An auditor might sample some compliance issues and/or instances of late deposits; however, the process is not a comprehensive analysis of a plan's legal compliance." MORE >>
Hawley Troxell
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
[Guidance Overview]
SEC Reminds Public Company Executives That Clawbacks Are a Priority
"The [SEC] reopened the comment period for the proposed clawback rules initially proposed in July 2015, signaling that final rules will follow the end of this third comment period on the proposal.... After the SEC's final rules are issued, any issuer that has already
adopted compensation recovery policies should examine its existing policies against the final rules to identify areas of likely change, including the applicable events that trigger clawback, the number of executives to whom the policy applies, the length of the applicable lookback window and any fault/misconduct requirements." MORE >>
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Incorrect ADP Refund to an HCE
"A plan failed the ADP test for the 2020 plan year and a refund was properly issued to the HCE by 12/31/2021. When preparing the 2021 testing, the client discovered some of the compensation reported for 2020 was incorrect. The 2020 ADP test was re-run with the correct
compensation and the HCE is now due an additional $184.00. Since we are past the 12 month correction period, will the refund fall under EPCRS and a one-to-one correction required?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Take an In-Service Distribution and Then Roll It Back Over Within 60 Days?
"As we enter into another economically challenging time, I have a business owner who needs money for a short term issue. He wants to, and can, take an in-service distribution, and then return it to the plan within 60 days. I'm thinking he's better off putting it into a
new IRA but the advisor is saying to put it back into the plan. What do other piggy bank owners do with such distributions? He understands he'll receive a taxable 1099-R."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Different EIN's for DB Plan and DC Plan Sponsored by Same Company?
"Have a potential client that's looking to setup both a DC and DB Plan. No issue in that, but where they are looking to invest the money is asking for separate EIN's for each plan. Is that normal?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Grandfathered Deferred Comp -- Changing from Employee to Independent Contractor Status Causes a Termination Event?
"Has anyone seen guidance regarding paying out grandfathered deferred comp when the employee who deferred the compensation becomes an independent contractor? Per Section 1.409A-1(h)(ii) of the 409A regs, an employee is not considered to have a separation from service if he
or she shifts from employee status to independent contractor status. A client has a grandfathered 2003 deferred compensation agreement. The executive deferred the compensation until 'Retirement,' which has a rather loose definition."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
Ascensus Wins Retirement Leader of the Year
Paychex Surpasses 100,000 Milestone for Number of 401(k) Clients Served
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Latest ERISA Ruling: Where Do Plan Sponsors Go From Here?
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
RISE & SHINE Act: The Senate's Initial Response to House-Passed SECURE 2.0
Jackson Lewis P.C.
New IRS Pre-Audit Compliance Program for Retirement Plans
McDermott Will & Emery
Lawsuits Put Spotlight on Paying Remote Workers' Expenses
Society for Human Resource Management [SHRM]; membership may be required to view article
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