Retirement Plans Newsletter
July 6, 2022
[Official Guidance]
Text of PBGC Final Rule with Request for Comment: Special Financial Assistance by PBGC (PDF)
216 pages. "On July 9, 2021, PBGC issued an interim final rule setting forth the requirements for special financial assistance applications and related restrictions and conditions pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. PBGC is making changes to its regulation
in response to public comments received on the interim final rule, with an additional opportunity for comment solely on the condition requiring a phased recognition of special financial assistance in a plan's determination of withdrawal liability.... "Part 4262 sets
forth what information a plan is required to file to demonstrate eligibility for SFA and the amount of SFA to be paid by PBGC to the plan. The regulation identifies which plans will be given priority to file applications before March 11, 2023, and provides for a processing system to accommodate the filing and review of many applications in a limited amount of time. This part also establishes permissible investments of SFA funds and
other restrictions and conditions on plans that receive SFA. "PBGC is making changes in this final rule that revise part 4262, including changes to the SFA measurement date, the methodology to calculate SFA, permissible investments of SFA funds, the application of conditions
on a plan that merges with a plan that receives SFA, and the withdrawal liability conditions that apply to a plan that receives SFA." MORE >>
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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