Retirement Plans Newsletter
July 11, 2022
6 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Proposed Regs Upset Assumptions About Inherited IRAs Following SECURE Act
"The IRS Proposed Regulations undercut one of the basic assumptions of the ten-year deferral rule -- that the beneficiary need not take annual RMDs during the ten-year deferral period. Before the SECURE Act, non-individual beneficiaries did not have to take annual RMDs
during the five-year deferral period, which led to the same assumption for the ten-year deferral period for individuals who did not qualify as eligible designated beneficiaries. The IRS Proposed Regulations reach the opposite conclusion." MORE >>
Hall Benefits Law
Combining Automatic Enrollment Features Can Improve Retirement Savings Adequacy (PDF)
"[A]nalysis of participants who were automatically enrolled in their employers' plans in 2021 reveals that less than 6% opted out.... [T]he percentage who opted out was similar if the default was 3% or the default was ≥6% of wages.... [A]lmost 90% of participants
automatically enrolled in 2021 kept their investments in the [QDIA] chosen by their employer. Collectively, these findings point to the power of nudges to influence behavior but raise the question of whether they go far enough or could serve a greater social purpose." MORE >>
T. Rowe Price
Have Vesting Schedules Become Controversial?
"For workers in businesses that have shorter employee tenures, a long-graded vesting schedule could be seen as unfair to workers. But for plan sponsors, vesting schedules can control costs and help with employee retention." MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
Key Areas of DOL Retirement Plan Investigations (PDF)
"This article discusses nine areas of focus for DOL plan fiduciary investigations that may affect plan service providers, trustees and plan administrators. Plan fiduciaries and their service providers may want to consider a self-review of their ERISA compliance, especially with
respect to these nine areas, before investigators come knocking on their door." MORE >>
Morgan Lewis, via benefits Magazine, published by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans [IFEBP]
PBGC Issues Final Guidance on Butch Lewis Act
"Workers and retirees in financially challenged multiemployer plans can now sleep better knowing that their pensions will be protected. [The Pension Rights Center applauds] the PBGC for making significant improvements to the interim rule, which will provide plans with greater
resources and enhanced flexibility." MORE >>
Pension Rights Center
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Amend Mid-Year to Add Last-Day Employment Requirement for Discretionary True-Up Match?
"Our plan currently has a discretionary true-up match with no allocation service requirements. Is it OK to amend the plan for the current plan year to add a last day of employment rule or do we have to wait until next year? We want to exclude terminated employees from receiving
the true-up match for 2022, if the company decides to make one."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Distributions from Individual Annuity Contracts After 403(b) Termination
"Any thoughts on whether individual annuity contracts distributed when a 403(b) plan terminates must limit distributions to one of the events that would permit a distribution from a 403(b) plan (e.g., termination of employment)?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
408(b)(2) Disclosure and 404(a)(5) Disclosure -- Required for CB or DB Plans?
"Is a 408(b)(2) and 404(a)(5) disclosure required for Cash Balance and Defined Benefit plans?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Eligibility & Plan Design
August 11, 2022 WEBCAST
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Hughes v. Northwestern University: A Message to Retirement Plan Fiduciaries from the Supreme Court (PDF)
Qualified Plan Advisors
PBGC Institutes Major Changes in Its Special Financial Assistance Final Rule
Review of Key Bipartisan Retirement Policy Reform Proposals
October Three Consulting
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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