Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
July 12, 2022
5 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Massachusetts Issues Draft Regs for Requirement to Maintain Health Insurance During PFML
"The draft markup expands an employer's options for providing insurance during leave ... The draft markup makes clear
that employers will not be required to provide for, contribute to, or otherwise maintain employment-related health insurance benefits for an employee who does not receive or is not eligible to receive such employment-related health insurance benefits when the employee's family or medical leave begins.... [S]ome open issues remain[.]" MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Delaware to Fund Paid Leave Benefits for Employees
"[The Healthy Delaware Families Act (HDFA)] is designed to offer paid leave benefits to employees starting in 2026. This new benefit is funded through employee payroll deductions set to begin in January 2025. In many respects, the Act closely tracks the federal [FMLA] and is
not as expansive as many other states' paid family and medical leave laws." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
CARES Act Expansion of IRC Section 127: Tax Savings on Student Loan Repayment Assistance
"The [CARES Act] amended Section 127 to include student loan repayment assistance as a qualified educational expense.... [T]he Consolidated Appropriations Act ... extended the provision for five years through December 31, 2025.... The five-year extension of this
student loan repayment assistance can provide tax savings to both employers (employer portion of FICA) and employees (federal and state withholding, and FICA)." MORE >>
Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC
Abortion Decision Renews Questions About Employer Access to Health Information
"Employer plans that cover these services, and that are now adding a travel benefit for employees to access this care, might create a paper trail of claims information or reimbursement records.... Federal privacy protections have long restricted the use and disclosure of personal
health information to and by employer-sponsored plans, but these protections are not fool proof and will likely be tested going forward by states looking to implement abortion bans and related restrictions." MORE >>
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Why Do We Need a Lawyer to Help with Our Company's Health and Welfare Benefits?
"Health and welfare benefits are an important part of attracting and retaining employees, as well as creating a positive and supportive workplace environment. There are many service providers who are eager to help you provide these benefits ... With so many resources, why is it
necessary to get a lawyer involved?" MORE >>
KLB Benefits Law Group
Negotiating Benefit Renewals: Steps for Better Outcomes
"Frequently requiring your current carrier to respond to RFPs can harm that relationship.... Get renewal plans early.... [R]espond with a fair and reasonable rate increase backed by data. The goal is to counteroffer a number that creates stability and predictability for renewals
in the future." MORE >>
Corporate Synergies
Commercial Health Insurers' Income Plummets in 2021
"Commercial health insurers suffered a 90% decrease in underwriting income last year as fewer people signed onto group health and instead moved into individual coverage on an exchange or a Medicaid program, and COVID care requirements far exceeded expectations. Those are two key
factors in the commercial health insurance industry's dismal performance in a down year for health insurance overall, which saw a 65% decrease in underwriting income," MORE >>
Providers and Employers Need to Collaborate More to Avert a Greater Health Crisis
"A collaborative, direct relationship among employers, doctors, and hospitals has been shown to successfully reduce care costs and attain better health results over time.... Here are some quick approaches that could help break up the logjam and avert a protracted health care
crisis[.]" MORE >>
American Journal of Managed Care
The Cantwell-Grassley PBM Bill Is Much Needed But More Can Be Done
"[The Prescription Pricing for the People Act (S 1388)] would prohibit a PBM from engaging in commercial practices known as
spread pricing and pharmacy clawbacks unless it passes all rebates and concessions received from drug manufacturers to health plans and discloses all cost, price, and reimbursement information and all fees, markups, and discounts charged to health plans and pharmacies. It would also mandate greater transparency by requiring PBMs to submit an annual report to the [FTC]." MORE >>
Health Affairs
Benefits in General |
July Filing Deadlines for Employee Benefit Plans
"By July 31, employers that sponsor self-funded medical plans must report and pay their PCORI fee. By July 31, employers that sponsor calendar-year employee benefit plans that are subject to ERISA must file a Form 5500 ... or request an extension by filing a
Form 5558." MORE >>
Venable LLP
HSAs Are a Smart Choice to Help Employees Optimize Benefits
"[1] HSAs are a great retirement savings opportunity ... [2] HSAs go beyond Health Flexible Spending Account (FSA) qualified expenses ... [3] Matching contributions drive HSA balances ... [4] HSAs cover medical costs now -- and
later ... [5] HSAs can be paired with decision-support tools ... [6] Health FSAs complement HSAs ... [7] Employers can provide extra support through HSA plan design ... [8] It's easy to invest HSA balances ... [9] HSAs go hand in hand with voluntary benefits." MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Press Releases |
Vitality Group Appoints Health Solutions and Technology Expert Maia Surmava as New CEO
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
HSA Fundamentals
August 23, 2022 WEBCAST
Health and Welfare Benefit Plans National Institute 2022
September 29, 2022 WEBCAST
American Bar Association Joint Committee on Employee Benefits [JCEB]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Key Considerations for Employer-Sponsored Benefits Following the Dobbs Decision
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
EEOC Conciliation Agreement Highlights Employer Compliance Obligations Under GINA Regarding COVID-19 Policies
Poyner Spruill LLP
Delaware Enacts Paid Family and Medical Leave Law
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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