Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
July 25, 2022
10 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Connecticut Employers Must Provide Employees with Notice of Rights Under Paid Family and Medical Leave Law
"The Connecticut [DOL] released a sample Notice ... Employers must provide the notice to all existing employees on an
annual basis -- starting July 1 -- and to all new hires at the time of hire.... [T]he CT PFMLA appears to require individual distribution of the notice." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Paid COVID-19 Leave: It's Not Over Yet in Colorado
"Colorado employers must continue to provide paid COVID leave to employees who have public health emergency related leave available. Recently, the federal government extended the public health emergency declaration related to COVID-19 for an additional 90
days." MORE >>
Sherman Howard
District Court Judge Rebukes Administrators of NFL Players' Disability Plan After De Novo Trial
"A federal judge ... issued in June a stinging indictment of the disability benefit plan that covers both active and former football players who become permanently and totally disabled due to injuries sustained during their professional football playing careers.... The
court's opinion cited other decisions involving the plan and former football players, which the court maintained showed a pattern as to how players are treated by the plan." [Cloud v. The Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan, No. 20-1277 (N.D. Tex.
Jun. 21, 2022)] MORE >>
DeBofsky Sherman Casciari Reynolds P.C.
District Court Refuses to Dismiss Potential Class Action Against Amazon Over Work-At-Home Expense Reimbursements
"The federal judge rejected Amazon's main arguments, stating that since Amazon expected its workers to continue working from home after the government imposed stay-at-home orders during the pandemic, the company had to be aware that the employees had necessary personal
expenditures to be able to do their jobs.... California law requires employers to reimburse employees for their home office expenses while working from home." [Williams v. Amazon.com Services LLC, No. 22-1892 (N.D. Cal. Jun.1,
2022)] MORE >>
Hall Benefits Law
Ready to Sell the Company? Take a Look at Your Health & Welfare Plans
"[P]reserve any historical records showing the headcount of your full-time employees since 2015.... Do you have a Section 125 cafeteria plan document? ... Do you have enough plan participants that you are required to file Form 5500 and, if so, have filings been
timely made? ... Are the owners of your organization receiving Schedules K-1 but also participating in your health and welfare benefits on a pretax basis? Are your perquisites documented as a written policy, and does the policy require documenting the costs and expenses?" MORE >>
Morgan Lewis
Employees' Abortion Privacy in Question as Texas Targets Employer Aid
"The threat of abortion-related legal liability in Texas has raised hard-to-answer questions about companies' plans to help employees travel for out-of-state procedures -- including how much sensitive employee information a company could be forced to disclose in
court." MORE >>
Bloomberg Law
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Spectrum Pension Consultants, Inc.
Remote / Tacoma WA
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BPAS Launches Dynamic Financial Planning Tool for Participants
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Issues for Employers After the Dobbs Decision
Willis Towers Watson
ACA Reporting: Asking (Repeatedly) for Social Security Numbers
HUB International
Employers Offering Abortion Expense Coverage Seek Agency Guidance on ERISA Preemption, Other Federal Laws
Bloomberg Law
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