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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

August 12, 2022

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[Guidance Overview]

The 2023 Required Annual Notices to Employees

"Employers must provide the Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage, CHIP, and WHCRA notices annually. Typically, employers will time the distribution of all the required notices to meet the October 15 Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage notice deadline. Employers should also consider providing additional notices with the required notices."  MORE >>


[Guidance Overview]

Agency FAQs Provide Guidance on Coverage Requirements for Contraceptive Products Under the ACA

"The [FAQs Part 54] list 18 categories of contraception identified in the 2019 HRSA-Supported Guidelines and note that plans must cover at least one form of contraception in each category without cost sharing."  MORE >>

Slevin & Hart, P.C.

[Guidance Overview]

Maryland Passes Paid Family and Medical Leave Law

"Starting in 2025, covered employees may take up to 12 weeks of leave in a rolling 12 months, with an additional 12 weeks possible if the employee experiences a serious health condition [or] needs to bond with a new child.... Covered employers must participate in the state program or comply with an approved private plan ... [This] leave is in addition to the state's existing sick and safe leave under the Healthy Working Families Act, effective since 2018."  MORE >>


The Inflation Reduction Act’s Health Provisions

"An important part of the law will impact the ACA Exchanges and the Medicare program, including the Medicare Part D program and Employer Group Waiver Plans (EGWPs) used by employers and other plan sponsors to provide prescription drug coverage to retirees.... While the bill caps the amount that individuals covered by Medicare will pay for insulin, it does not adopt requirements that affect group health plan cost-sharing for insulin."  MORE >>


Inflation Reduction Act Includes Major Medicare Drug Price Reforms But Leaves Out Employer Plans

"Because all the bill's drug pricing reforms apply only to Medicare, however, the legislation is raising worries that it could the result in significant cost-shifting to commercial market plans, meaning higher drug prices and costs for the millions of Americans and their families who get their health coverage through employer-sponsored plans.... The bill also includes a provision that codifies IRS/Treasury rules that allow Health Savings Account (HSA)-qualifying high-deductible health plans to cover insulin on a pre-deductible basis."  MORE >>


Medova Ordered to Stop Selling Unauthorized Health Insurance in Washington State

"Medova sold unauthorized health insurance plans called Lifestyle Health Plans to approximately 140 small businesses and their 1,487 employees through Washington chambers of commerce. The company misrepresented the nature of the coverage and who was financially responsible for paying claims."  MORE >>

Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner

Benefits in General

Impact of Eleventh Circuit Ruling Allowing Equitable Relief for ERISA Claim

"Though the apparent harm in Gimeno occurred during the enrollment process, its reasoning could be applied to statements, actions, or inactions that occur at any point during the plan administration process." [Gimeno v. NCHMD, Inc., No. 21-11833 (11th Cir. Jun. 28, 2022)]  MORE >>

Bloomberg Law

Employee Benefits Jobs

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for Wespath Benefits and Investments Client Relationship Manager

Wespath Benefits and Investments

Remote / Glenview IL

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for Wespath Benefits and Investments

Press Releases

Blue Ridge ESOP Associates Acquires Crowe LLP ESOP Business

Blue Ridge ESOP Associates

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Benefit Plan Deadlines Extended Again for States of Emergency


District Court Approves Blue Cross Blue Shield $2.67 Billion Settlement, Acknowledges Importance of ERISA Fiduciary Duties

Miller Johnson

More U.S. Employers to Offer Travel Benefits for Abortion Services in Wake of Dobbs Decision

Willis Towers Watson

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