Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
September 19, 2022
8 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Paid Leave Oregon Becomes Effective in 2023: What Employers Need to Know
"Employers with twenty-five or more employees anywhere in the world and at least one eligible employee in Oregon -- including remote employees -- must comply with this law's requirements.... Employees who have been employed with an employer for at least ninety days
may take job-protected PLO leave. Employees may take twelve weeks of PLO leave per year." MORE >>
Ogletree Deakins
Strategies for Defending MHPAEA Claims: Preparing for the Lawsuit Before It Is Filed
"[1] Carefully review plan terms related to the benefits that are frequently the target of MHPAEA claims and the medical/surgical treatments that plaintiffs typically claim are analogs for these treatments. [2] Confirm that the processes for designing and applying
coverage limitations are well-documented and in compliance with MHPAEA's requirements. [3] Confirm that processes are in place to comply with MHPAEA's disclosure requirements in response to participant document requests. Such requests are an 'early warning' that a MHPAEA lawsuit may be coming." MORE >>
Groom Law Group
Healthcare Costs for Employer-Sponsored Plans on the Rise
"Health insurers and administers surveyed reported medical trend factors that vary by product, averaging 5.8% to 6.9%, down by 1-2 percentage points from the previous survey. The Preferred Provider Organization plan was at 6.4% for the average trend factor, down by 1.4% from
the prior year. With prescription drugs, insurers reported a weighted average trend of 8.1%, down 0.7% from 2021, whereas the weighted average trend reported by Pharmacy Benefit Managers increased from 6.2% to 7.5%." MORE >>
HealthLeaders Media
Open Enrollment Prep: What Benefits to Consider for Your Employees
"Employee wellness has become the top priority since the COVID-19 pandemic ... Another benefit that's in high demand is flexibility, regarding where, when and how employees work.... 48% of workers said that the ability to work from home some or all of the time would be a
major or the most important factor in determining whether to accept a job offer in the future." MORE >>
HRD [Human Resources Director]
Few Workers Tap Wellness Benefits When Stressed
"Close to three-quarters (73%) of workers at companies with 1,000 employees or more in the United States and four Western Europe nations reported high or moderate levels of stress in February and March 2022.... [M]ore than one-third (34%) of the employees polled reported
suffering symptoms of burnout.... few employees (23%) in the United States and the United Kingdom use employer-sponsored stress management programs, and only 15% reported being aware of them. The kicker, 32% of employees wanted their companies to offer more mental health resources." MORE >>
Benefits in General |
What New Student Loan Relief Means for Employee Benefits
"Employers may want to consider building in flexibility to their education assistance programs and to any matching contributions offered through coordination of such a program and a 401(k) plan benefit.... [If] proposed measures take effect, more individuals will be eligible for
$0 monthly income-based payment amounts in the future.... [E]mployers that do not currently offer education assistance programs may want to consider adding one by January 1, 2023, as many borrowers' priorities will be shifting from retirement savings to student loan repayments then." MORE >>
Ogletree Deakins
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Press Releases |
AHIP Announces Executive Leadership Changes
AHIP [America's Health Insurance Plans]
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
Key Considerations for Your Healthcare ERISA Plan
Navigating the Post-Dobbs Landscape
September 29, 2022 WEBCAST
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Third 'No Surprises Act' Rule Issued; Claims Backlog Persists
ArentFox Schiff LLP
Upcoming Rx Reporting: What About Third-Party Point Solutions?
Working with the Affordability Safe Harbors in Light of the 9.12 Percent Affordability Threshold for 2023
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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