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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

September 29, 2022

4 New Job Opportunities 4 New Job Opportunities


State of U.S. Health Insurance in 2022: Biennial Survey

"Forty-three percent of working-age adults were inadequately insured in 2022.... Twenty-nine percent of people with employer coverage and 44 percent of those with coverage purchased through the individual market and marketplaces were underinsured. Forty-six percent of respondents said they had skipped or delayed care because of the cost, and 42 percent said they had problems paying medical bills or were paying off medical debt. Half (49%) said they would be unable to pay for an unexpected $1,000 medical bill within 30 days."  MORE >>

The Commonwealth Fund

Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave 2023 Contribution Rate

"[E]ffective January 1, 2023, the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave (MAPFML) contribution rate for employers with 25 or more covered individuals will decrease from 0.68% of eligible wages down to 0.63% of eligible wages."  MORE >>


Can You Save Too Much in a Health Savings Account?

"[C]an you overdo your HSA contributions and put more in the account than you're likely to spend on healthcare costs? The short answer is that it's unlikely, largely because HSAs have generous features around withdrawals. In a worst-case scenario where your HSA account balance exceeds your expected healthcare costs, you have two key ways to get your money out sooner without negating the tax benefits of the HSA."  MORE >>


Estimating the Potential Profit Gains from Lowering Employee Health Care Costs for America's Largest Companies

"[The authors] estimate the median potential gain in profits from lowering ESI spending by $1,373 per employee per year is 3.54% for Fortune 500 companies.... Labor-intensive industries stand to see the largest profit gains from reducing their health care costs, although capital-intensive industries currently spend the largest percentage of total compensation on ESI. Thus, employers' gains from lowering ESI costs depend on both the ratio of capital to labor, as well as the skill level of labor required to successfully do business."  MORE >>

Rice University Baker Institute for Public Policy

Advancing Health Equity Through Employer-Provided Coverage (PDF)

"A recent survey of large employers in the United States found: [1] Black, Hispanic and Latino, and LGBTQIA+ employees are substantially more likely than their White or straight counterparts to consider changing employers for better health benefits. [2] Men and women of color who need care are less likely than their White colleagues to have their needs met, including medical, dental, and vision care. [3] Black, Hispanic and Latino, and LGBTQIA+ workers are more likely to report struggling to meet basic needs."  MORE >>

America's Health Insurance Plans [AHIP]


Federal Judge Rules Against ACA Preventive Care Requirements

"The requirement that employer-sponsored health insurance cover evidence-based preventive care is an excellent example of value-based insurance design, where the amount of out-of-pocket cost in a health plan is inversely proportional to the value of the care.... The ACA's preventive services list includes vaccinations, screenings for cancer, infectious disease, diabetes and some types of vascular disease, contraception and breast pumps. The total cost of these preventive services is relatively low." [Braidwood Management, Inc. v. Becerra, No. 20-0283 (N.D. Tex. Sep. 7, 2022)]  MORE >>

Willis Towers Watson


The Importance of Preserving Preventive Care in the ACA (PDF)

"A recent decision by a very conservative court, issued by a very conservative judge, jeopardizes the future of these critical reforms for millions of individual consumers, small business owners, workers, and their families.... This case is ongoing, and the decision will hopefully be overturned on appeal, but the stakes for American workers and families are high. Preventive service coverage has been enormously consequential in improving access to care for millions of Americans and it is critical that this protection be preserved."  MORE >>

Committee on Education and Labor, U.S. House of Representatives

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Retirement Plan Administrator
for Midwest Independent TPA Firm

Retirement Plan Administrator

Midwest Independent TPA Firm

Remote / Kenosha WI

View job as Distribution & Loan Processor
for Carnow & Associates, Ltd.

Distribution & Loan Processor

Carnow & Associates, Ltd.

Remote / Deerfield IL

View job as Distribution & Loan Processor for Carnow & Associates, Ltd.

View job as Accountant
for City of Austin Employees Retirement System


City of Austin Employees Retirement System

Remote / Austin TX

View job as Accountant for City of Austin Employees Retirement System

View job as Senior Defined Benefits Consultant
for Loren D. Stark Company

Senior Defined Benefits Consultant

Loren D. Stark Company


View job as Senior Defined Benefits Consultant for Loren D. Stark Company

Selected New Discussions

FSA Medical Expense Reimbursement Before Entry Date

"A 125 Plan allows entry date first day of month after meeting eligibility requirements. The 125 Plan is a calendar year plan. If the entry date of the participant is November 1, can the participant submit for reimbursement a medical expense incurred in March of the same calendar year?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Top Paid Group Question -- Applies to Health Savings Accounts, Too?

"As I understand it, if an employer chooses to utilize the Top Paid Group (TPG) for its benefit plans, it must be used on all benefit plans, retirement and non-retirement plans. So, this would include 401(k) and an HSA, right? If an employer wants to use TPG for HSA, they have to use it for the 401(k) right? But what happens if you have conflicting choices? The HSA says TPG and the 401(k) plan says standard?"

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

The Difference Card Appoints Joseph Donovan as Chief Executive Officer

The Difference Card

David Thomas Inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Employee Benefits Counsel

Wilson Sonsoni

Webcasts and Conferences
(Health & Welfare Plans)

HSAs: Top 10 Wrap-up (2022 Edition)

November 3, 2022 WEBCAST


Last Issue's Most Popular Items

Fourth Quarter 2022 Quick Hits for Plan Sponsors and Administrators

Jackson Lewis P.C.

COBRA Election Notice Failure Underscores Need for Mailing Address Procedures

Thomson Reuters Practical Law

Employer Travel Assistance for Abortion Services

Kilpatrick Townsend

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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.

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