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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

October 18, 2022

2 New Job Opportunities 2 New Job Opportunities


Employer Avoids 'Cat's Paw' Liability in FMLA Retaliation Case Through Independent Review

"While assuming that a cat's paw theory can be applied in FMLA cases, the Tenth Circuit rejected [the employee's] arguments that the evidence supported a finding of liability under that theory.... The court found no evidence to demonstrate that the manager's investigation was influenced by the supervisor's alleged bias, or that the manager failed to conduct an independent review of the evidence presented." [Parker v. United Airlines, Inc., No. 21-4093 (10th Cir. Sep. 26, 2022)]  MORE >>

Poyner Spruill LLP

OPM Approves Emergency Leave Transfer Program for Federal Workers Affected by Hurricane Ian

"The program allows federal employees to donate unused paid leave time to their colleagues who are affected by natural disasters. This is the third leave transfer program established in the past 60 days, following emergency leave announcements earlier this year for Hurricane Fiona and for the water crisis in Jackson, Miss."  MORE >>

Government Executive

Things Employers Should Consider for Open Enrollment Season

"45% of employees surveyed expect inflation will impact their benefits decisions this year ...  ... [1] Life changes -- make sure the benefits you offer are changing too ... [2] Education is essential.... [3] Benefits get employees through the door, and keep them there.... [4] Focus on financial wellness."  MORE >>

Lincoln Financial Group

Supporting Employees Dealing With Cancer

"A resource most employers have available to their employees is an employee assistance program (EAP) that can help point employees toward supportive programs and services. Throughout their cancer battle, an employee may also need extended leave options or workplace accommodations to provide flexible scheduling. Some employees may even ask for assistance when delivering news of a severe illness to their supervisor or coworkers."  MORE >>

International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans [IFEBP]

Employee Wellbeing, Work Behaviours and Work Outcomes in a Hybrid Work Context: A Study of the Relationship Between Work, Health and Performance Data

"The findings suggest that workplace behaviours are associated with wellbeing, that employees can be clustered based on their work behaviours and that improving employee wellbeing is associated with better work and performance outcomes. This opens up the opportunity to provide individualised interventions with the goal of work behaviour change that could lead to better wellbeing outcomes for employees in terms of their mental health, work life balance and burnout risk."  MORE >>

RAND Corporation

No Surprises Act Regs Remain a Moving Target for Compliance

"Amid all the rules stemming from the No Surprises Act, a looming mandate for providers to send cost estimates to health plans looks like the biggest stress inducer."  MORE >>

Healthcare Financial Management Association [HFMA]; free registration required

Takeaways from the American Action Forum on Employer-Sponsored Insurance

"While noting declines in the percentage of people covered by their employers, the AAF panel asked multiple questions about the model's future and opportunities for reform."  MORE >>

HealthLeaders Media

Employee Benefits Jobs

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for HowardSimon

Retirement Plan Administrator/Manager



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for Pension Associates

Pension Consultant

Pension Associates

Remote / Stamford CT

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Press Releases

OneDigital Georgia Hires Alan Cole as VP of Retirement Plan Sales


Schulte Roth & Zabel Expands Employment & Employee Benefits Practice with Addition of Martin Schmelkin

Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP

Jim Gallagher joins Centivo as Chief Marketing Officer


Bloomberg Tax Introduces New Portfolio Addressing Employee Benefits and Bankruptcy

Bloomberg Tax

The Standard to Acquire Securian Financial’s Retirement Plan Recordkeeping Business

The Standard

TRA Hires Allison Futch as Regional Sales Consultant

TRA [The Retirement Advantage]

Transamerica Introduces Workplace Universal Life Insurance Designed to Sustain Families Through Life and Death


Last Issue's Most Popular Items

The New CAA Surprise Billing Notice


2022 ERISA Welfare Plan Automatic Participant Disclosures Checklist (PDF)

Bass, Berry & Sims PLC

Text of 2022 IRS Form 1095-C: Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

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