Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
October 31, 2022
3 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Releases Final Rule Addressing 'Family Glitch' (PDF)
"Treasury and IRS do not expect the revised rule to have a meaningful impact on premiums in employer-sponsored plans ... Although some commenters suggested that Treasury should draft a model notice for employers to share with employees 'about the new affordability test,
including information about Exchange coverage, the availability of financial assistance, and how an individual may enroll in coverage,' Treasury declined to do so and clarified that imposing a notification requirement is 'outside the scope' of Code section 36B and the regulations." MORE >>
Groom Law Group, via American Health Law Association
What Plan Sponsors Are Doing to Manage the Rising Cost of Cancer Care and Improve Outcomes
"For most plan sponsors, oncology is now the number one disease category in terms of health cost spending.... Plan sponsors may want to consider cancer prevention education ... Communicate screening recommendations annually and educate participants on the benefits of early
detection.... Providing support at diagnosis and during treatment has the highest impact on quality and cost." MORE >>
A Bad Appointment: Preventive Services and Braidwood Management v. Becerra
"While the court narrowly ruled that certain specific mandates were invalid with respect to the plaintiffs in the case, that ruling was limited to those particular plaintiffs. As a result, the holding should not have broad application to other employers.... [In] all likelihood,
the preventive services rules will be allowed to stand until the full extent of the litigation is resolved." [Braidwood Management, Inc. v. Becerra, No. 20-0283 (N.D. Tex. Sep. 7, 2022)] MORE >>
HUB International
Employers Expect Major Increases to Health Care Costs in 2023
"[E]mployers are using multiple strategies to manage their healthcare costs while attempting to improve affordability for employees.... By gathering data and using it to predict where and when increased costs may occur, employers can determine
the best strategies to address growing healthcare costs." MORE >>
Benefit Revolution
Understanding the Complexity of Oncology Drug Pricing
"Drug makers use multiple factors to set prices, including measures of value -- which include traditional measures such as quality-adjusted life years and whether the drug's use yields net savings, such as reducing overall hospital admissions. Other factors may be used;
for employers, a value measure might be whether someone can return to work without limitations." MORE >>
American Journal of Managed Care
How States Are Holding Payers and Providers Accountable for Health Cost Growth
"[The authors] briefly summarize the findings from a new study that examined Massachusetts' approach to accountability and drew lessons for other states. [They] then describe the evolution of cost-growth target initiatives and accountability methods in other states ...
[and] conclude by discussing what state decision makers can do now to maximize the impact of state cost-growth targets." MORE >>
Health Affairs Forefront
Debt-Free Education ‘Life-Changing’ for Front-Line Workers
"It's one of the hottest HR trends in corporate America -- debt-free education benefit programs where employers cover 100 percent of tuition costs in order to attract and retain workers in a hypercompetitive labor market.... Proponents ... say that these
initiatives impart an even larger contribution to society that goes beyond talent attraction and retention[.]" MORE >>
Society for Human Resource Management [SHRM]; membership may be required to view article
Benefits in General |
What Are Your Employee Benefits Really Worth?
"Understanding what your benefits are worth could renew your commitment to your current job -- or make you realize it's time to seek out a better deal. If you're thinking of becoming self-employed, you can better understand how much more you'll need to earn to
replace your current benefits.... Here are some of the most common benefits, along with typical employer contribution amounts[.]" MORE >>
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Press Releases |
PlanSource Announces 13 New Partners Joining Partner Marketplace in Q3
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Guide to Compliance Considerations for Level-Funded Plans
Alabama's New Family Leave Law
Will Employers Introduce Cost Sharing for Preventive Services? (PDF)
Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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