Retirement Plans Newsletter
November 28, 2022
3 New Job Opportunities
[Official Guidance]
Text of 2023 IRS Form 5498: IRA Contribution Information (PDF)
"The information on Form 5498 is submitted to the IRS by the trustee or issuer of your individual retirement arrangement (IRA) to report contributions, including any catch-up contributions, required minimum distributions (RMDs), and the fair market value (FMV) of the
account." MORE >>
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
Join the Experts on Special Financial Assistance (SFA) [Webinar]
Bolton, Groom Law Group, Segal, and PBI Research Services are excited to share their expertise on the SFA process including application submission, calculation and use of SFA funds, regulations, possible risks, and more. Register Now.
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Proposes Self-Correction of Delinquent Contributions and Loan Payments Under Qualified Retirement Plans
"In addition to allowing for self-correction, the proposed amendments would clarify that certain transactions are eligible for correction under the VFCP, expand the scope of other transactions that are eligible for correction, and simplify certain administrative or procedural
requirements for participation in and correction of prohibited transactions under the VFCP.... [T]he proposed amendments would allow for VFCP excise tax relief even if the applicant had received relief under the VFCP within the prior three years." MORE >>
Sidley Austin LLP
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Proposes Updates to the Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program
"[T]he self-correction contemplated by the VFCP update differs from the self-correction afforded under EPCRS, because it would still require a submission to the DOL -- albeit a streamlined one.... The DOL pointed out that the VFCP still does not include a correction for
delinquent matching employer contributions, which are operational failures under the Internal Revenue Code (rather than fiduciary breaches under ERISA) for which correction is only available under EPCRS." MORE >>
The Wagner Law Group
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Releases Empty 2022 Required Amendment List
"The 2022 IRS Required Amendments (RA) List (Notice 2022-62) identifies no changes in statutory or regulatory requirements
for individually designed retirement qualified and ... Section 403(b) retirement plans. This means most employers will not have a Dec. 31, 2024, deadline for required amendments." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Final Rule Embraces Principles-Based Approach to ESG Factors in Investments and Proxy Voting
"The Final Rule addresses how plan sponsors can respond to participant demand for ESG investment options by adding a new provision that says plan fiduciaries do not violate their duty of loyalty under ERISA solely because they take participants' preferences into account when
constructing a menu of prudent investment options.... This new language may ease the decision-making process for plan sponsors where the participant population wants the opportunity to invest in alternative assets, whether that is private equity, hedge funds, impact investments, or cryptocurrency." MORE >>
Ropes & Gray LLP
OMB Moves DOL ESG Rule, as Backlash Builds
"The environmental, social and governance movement's noble intentions are running into stiff resistance with growing backlash while a [DOL] rule moves ahead that would allow limited ESG goals in investing.... The [SEC] missed its October deadline for finalizing [its] rule
because it was inundated with comments and had to reopen the comment period because of a system glitch. The SEC is also reviewing the implications of the West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency case, which limited the reach of government agencies.... Meanwhile, ... states are getting into the fray by restricting investments of public pensions under their purview." MORE >>
2023 Retirement Plan Compliance Calendars
"A DB plan calendar provides key 2023 dates for plan years starting Jan. 1. A separate DC plan calendar supplies 2023 deadlines for plan years starting Jan. 1." MORE >>
Updated Implied Discount Rates for Single Premium Life Annuities as of November 25, 2022
"In this post, [the authors] examine the implied interest rate assumptions built into [online quotes] as of November 25,
2022 and compare the quotes and the implied interest rates with the results ... as of July 25, 2022.... The key takeaway ... is that implied interest rates (rates of return) on SPIAs have increased significantly so far this year." MORE >>
Ken Steiner, FSA Retired
"There is a big problem at the heart of ESG -- there is no way you can measure how well the ESG scores measure anything. At least with credit scores, one can check default and delinquency rates. ESG scores don't really have an external result you can check
against." MORE >>
Analyzing the Hughes v. Northwestern Excessive Fee Case Before the Seventh Circuit's November 29 Oral Argument
"The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on the remanded case from the Supreme Court on the morning of Tuesday, November 29. It is the long-awaited opportunity to learn how the Seventh Circuit will respond to the Hughes v. Northwestern January
decision by the Supreme Court. The argument is more compelling now that the Seventh Circuit has issued the Oshkosh decision in which it rejected similar claims of excessive recordkeeping and investment fees in a plan with actively managed fees that were above the industry average." [Hughes v. Northwestern Univ., No. 19-1401 (S. Ct. Jan. 24, 2022; remanded to 7th Cir. Divane v. Northwestern Univ, No. 18-2569)] MORE >>
Euclid Specialty Managers
Benefits in General |
[Guidance Overview]
DOL Finalizes Rule on ESG Investments and Proxy Voting
"Regarding fiduciary duties as they relate to voting of proxies on securities held in employee benefit plan investment portfolios and exercising other shareholder rights, the final rule is substantially similar to the proposal, with some minor changes.... The proxy voting
provisions may impact ERISA health and welfare plans that hold corporate stock. This includes: Health plans that hold corporate stocks directly. Stocks held by health plans that participate in certain ERISA-covered intermediary investment arrangements" MORE >>
Thomson Reuters Practical Law
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Selected New Discussions |
Definition of Highly Compensated Employee for 2023 Plan Year
"When I was doing some random browsing, I saw something on this that made be do some additional browsing. There are MANY websites out there that say you are a HCE if you had more than $150,000 compensation in 2022. Now, while true, it seems to me that this is very misleading, as
some of the charts, etc. would lead someone to believe that the THRESHOLD is $150,000, rather than $135,000, so that if you had, say, $145,000 in compensation in 2022, you would not be a HCE in 2023. Are others seeing this, or getting questions due to this type of information out there?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Correcting Missed Deferrals for Now-Lost Participants
"We have a plan that missed providing deferral opportunities for quite a few employees over the years. They are going to go back and make good on calculating and depositing what is required for these individuals. However, several individuals have left the company years ago and
they may not be able to locate them on their own. Any recommendations on a public or private services that can be used to search for lost participants?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Owner of 1-Person Plan Dies -- How to Terminate?
"One-person plan and the owner died. Spouse survives him, though she was never in the plan. Does she sign the plan termination paperwork?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
DOL Gives a Green Thumbs Up to ESG
Morgan Lewis
401(k) Annual Administration Checklist for 2023
Employee Fiduciary
Year-End Compliance Issues for Single-Employer DB and DC Retirement Plans
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