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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

December 12, 2022

3 New Job Opportunities 3 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

Substance Abuse Disorder Records Proposed Rulemaking Works Toward HIPAA Alignment

"A major impetus behind this proposed rule is to improve coordination of care, in part by addressing disconnects between Part 2 and [HIPAA]. However, this initiative is counterbalanced by changes intended to strengthen confidentiality protections of SUD records ... If finalized as drafted, the proposed rule also expands breach notification requirements and enforcement teeth."  MORE >>

Quarles & Brady LLP

U.S. Has Lowest Life Expectancy Among Large, Wealthy Countries While Far Outspending Them on Health Care

"An updated ... analysis shows the United States experienced a second year of decline in life expectancy in 2021 while other comparably large, wealthy countries saw a rebound in life expectancy since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019.... In 2021, the U.S. spent over $4,000 more per capita on health care than the next highest spending country."  MORE >>

Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

The Impact of Paid Family Leave on Families with Health Shocks

"PFL access leads to a 7.0 percentage point decline in the likelihood that the (healthy) wives of individuals with medical conditions or limitations who experience a hospitalization or surgery report 'leaving a job to care for home or family' in the post-health-shock rounds.... [I]mprovements in job continuity are concentrated among caregivers with 12 or fewer years of education, suggesting that government-provided PFL might reduce disparities in leave access."  MORE >>

National Bureau of Economic Research [NBER]; purchase required for full document

Coca-Cola Receives Abortion-Rights Shareholder Proposal

"As You Sow writes that the board's analysis might include any effects on employee hiring, retention and productivity and decisions about closing or expanding the company's operations in states proposing or enacting restrictive laws and strategies, 'such as any public policy advocacy by the company, related political contribution policies and human resources or educational strategies.' "  MORE >>

Corporate Secretary

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Defined Contribution Consultant
for Aon

Defined Contribution Consultant


Remote / CT / FL / GA / MN / NJ / NY

View job as Defined Contribution Consultant for Aon

View job as Pension Administration Senior Specialist
for Southern California Edison

Pension Administration Senior Specialist

Southern California Edison

Rosemead CA

View job as Senior Advisor of Wealth Plan Administration
for Southern California Edison

Senior Advisor of Wealth Plan Administration

Southern California Edison

Rosemead CA

Selected New Discussions

ESRP Requirements for Insolvent Multiemployer Welfare Fund

"Does anyone know whether the contributing employers of a multiemployer welfare plan are still responsible for an ESRP if they are unable to provide benefits to their full-time ees and dependents? Would the fund/contributing employers still be required to provide coverage or face penalties? I took a look at IRM which discusses bankruptcy and insolvency and ERSP assessments, but only when a 226-J letter has been issues either pre- or post-petition in bankruptcy. Does anyone know of any other regulations or guidance exists that discusses this topic? My initial thought is that generally an employer, including a multiemployer, is not required to offer coverage. However, if the multiemployer is an ALE and does not offer coverage to its full-time employees and their dependents, then the employer will be subject to an ESRP. According to the IRM, the ESRP excise tax can be included as either a pre- or post-petition, depending on when the ESRP assessment is made. However, the IRM does not discuss whether a multiemployer's insolvency absolves the employers from offering the requisite coverage to its FTEs."

BenefitsLink Message Boards

Press Releases

Wolters Kluwer Launches New Plan Design Summary Tool on

Wolters Kluwer

TRI-AD and Navia Benefit Solutions Announce New Partnership


U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Rob Portman Receive the Ray Lillywhite Award for Their Dedicated Work on Strengthening Retirement Security for Workers and Retirees

EBRI [Employee Benefit Research Institute]

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

The Time Has Come for New Prescription Drug Reporting Mandate

Mayer Brown

Comprehensive Summary of 2023 Benefit-Related Cost-of-Living Adjustments (PDF)


Self-Funded Plans Sue Anthem, Alleging Overcharging and Other ERISA Violations

BenefitsPro; free registration required

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