Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
December 23, 2022
3 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
CAA 2023 Includes HSA Telehealth Relief
"Notably, the CAA23 did not include a number of provisions that were discussed prior to its enactment with direct and potentially significant impacts on health care payers, including amendments to the enforcement scheme for the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
(MHPAEA) and expanded dialysis coverage requirements for group health plans and health insurance coverage.... The most direct impact on plan sponsors and health plan service providers is the extension of the HSA telehealth safe harbor ... for plan years beginning after December 31, 2022 and before January 1, 2025." MORE >>
Groom Law Group
[Guidance Overview]
Summary of Provisions of HHS' Proposed 2024 Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters and Other Key Regs (PDF)
"The notice includes important proposed rules and parameters for the operation of the individual and small group health insurance markets in 2024 and beyond. This paper summarizes key provisions of the proposed notice, actuarial value calculator, and maximum out of pocket
information recently released by HHS." MORE >>
Wakely Consulting Group
[Guidance Overview]
HHS Issues Proposed 2024 Benefit and Payment Parameters, Announces Adjusted Annual Limitation on Cost-Sharing for 2024 Benefit Year
"HHS has announced that the maximum annual limit on cost-sharing for 2024 is to increase to $9,450 for self-only coverage and $18,900 for other than self-only coverage (the 2023 limits are $9,100 and $18,200).... [T]he proposed regulations would prohibit mid-year terminations of
dependent children who reach the maximum age limit under the ACA or state law (unless termination is otherwise permitted)." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Announces Indexing Factor to Calculate No Surprises Act's Qualifying Payment Amount for 2023
"[Notice 2023-4] provides the indexing factor to be used by group health plans and insurers to calculate the qualifying
payment amount (QPA) under the No Surprises Act for items or services provided on or after January 1, 2023, and before January 1, 2024.... Helpful examples of QPA calculations -- including for items and services first furnished after January 31, 2019 -- are provided in the notice." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters / EBIA
[Guidance Overview]
Extension of Time to Furnish Individual ACA Statements Made Permanent
"With respect to individuals covered under an insured plan, the insurance carrier only needs to make the individual's Form 1095-B available, rather than furnishing the form automatically, provided certain requirements were met. Self-insured employers are allowed the same
accommodation with respect to furnishing Forms 1095-C, but only with respect to individuals who had coverage under the self-funded plan during the reporting year but were not ACA full-time employees at any point during that year." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Vermont to Launch Voluntary Paid Family and Medical Leave Program
"Vermont joins its neighbor New Hampshire as the second state with such an innovative voluntary program two years after the two states had previously announced a similar joint program. The Vermont Family and Medical Leave Insurance Plan (VT-FMLI) will start being offered to state
employees in July 2023, and then will be rolled out to other private employers and employees over the next two years." MORE >>
Ogletree Deakins
Large Louisiana Companies Launch Coalition to Address Health Insurance Costs
"Some of south Louisiana's largest private companies, which together provide health-insurance coverage to some 38,000 employees and family members, are forming a new coalition aimed at controlling the cost of health care without reducing its quality.... For now, the coalition
is focused on educating its members about online pricing and transparency tools that can be used to compare what local doctors and hospitals charge for their services and assess which ones offer the best value." MORE >>
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Selected New Discussions |
Completing 1094-C Part IV When Stock Sale Causes Mid-Year Change in Aggregated ALE Group
"What entities are required to be included on part iv of Form 1094-C when a stock sale causes an entity to cease to be a member of one Aggregated ALE Group and become a member of second Aggregated ALE Group mid-year. A simple example scenario -- SellCo is one of a
number of a wholly-owned subsidiary of HoldCo and is an ALE Members of the 'HoldCo Aggregated ALE Group'. Mid-year HoldCo sells all of the stock of SellCo to BuyCo causing SellCo to become an ALE Member of the 'BuyCo Aggregated ALE Group' (which assume includes other wholly owned-subsidiaries of BuyCo). What I am specifically wondering is for the subsequent 1094-C which all entities are required to be listed in part iv of the
1094-C filed by SellCo. (Other Ale Members of Aggregate ALE Group): - All ALE Members of both the HoldCo Aggregated ALE Group and all ALE Members of the BuyCo Aggregated ALE Group, or
- only ALE Members of the BuyCo Aggregated ALE Group.
I would greatly
appreciate anyone's thoughts as I have come up empty handed on this (as well as any additional thoughts on whether this would impact the part III(d) Aggregated Group Indicator reporting."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Received EFAST 2 Email from EFAST Email Account: Is This Legit?
"Have others seen this? You get an email from some account with hyperlinks and obviously people are concerned it is a phishing campaign. Curious to know if anyone else has heard of these going out. ... "The email is as follows: EBSA is modernizing the EFAST2 website authentication process. The existing EFAST2-issued User ID and password log-in process is being phased out and will be replaced by the unified single sign-on solution for U.S. government websites. enables users to securely log in to many government agencies’ services
with a single username and password. Beginning Jan. 1, 2023, all new EFAST2 website accounts will be created using the process. Existing filers may use their EFAST2-issued User ID and password to log in to the EFAST2 website until Sept. 1, 2023. This eight-month grace period provides a gradual transition for filers. However, existing filers may change to a account as early as Jan. 1, 2023. Logging into the EFAST2 website is required to
obtain new electronic signature credentials for the Form 5500 Series. It is also required to file the Form PR or to use IFILE, the government’s Form 5500 Series filing application."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
T. Rowe Price Publishes Tips for Retirement Savers at Year-End
T. Rowe Price
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Two-Year Renewal of Predeductible Telehealth Coverage Included in Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023
Final Regs Extend ACA Individual Statement Due Dates and Alternate Method of Distribution
Final Rule Extends Deadline and Provides Alternate Method for Furnishing Certain ACA Tax Forms
Trucker Huss
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BenefitsLink Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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