Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
January 6, 2023
6 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Telehealth Services Exemption for HDHPs Extended
"HDHPs with plan years beginning after December 31, 2022 and before January 1, 2025 may continue coverage of telehealth services before the deductible is satisfied. For calendar year plans, this means the HDHP can cover telehealth services before individuals meet their
deductible for the 2023 and 2024 plan years. Because of the manner in which the effective date of the extension was drafted, the extension may apply differently to non-calendar-year plans[.]" MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
ICHRA Guide for Employers: The Health Plan 401(k) Has Arrived (PDF)
58 pages. "HRA integration with an individual policy unlocks a reservoir of potential ... Six crucial fast facts that highlight the comparison between ICHRAs and 401(k) plans ... Why both employers and employees may be clamoring for defined contribution health
plan ... The Individual Market Then and Now: Why is this time different? ... How ACA employer mandate affordability still presents some significant concerns ... The top ten other remaining issues that ICHRAs face before mainstream adoption." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
2023 Guide: Health Benefits While on Leave (PDF)
"The rules that apply to maintaining health coverage during FMLA and other state-protected leaves. How employers can and often do address the desire to continue active coverage during a non-protected leave. Reminders of the tricky ACA employer mandate issues that commonly arise
in the leave context." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Ready or Not, Colorado's FAMLI Program Is Here and with New Year Requirements
"Colorado's long-anticipated Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program is right around the corner for employee use -- but employer requirements are already here. Effective January 1, 2023, employers have certain obligations under the FAMLI program, including
notice requirements and upcoming premium payments." MORE >>
Faegre Drinker
Trends in Cost Sharing for Medical Services, 2013–2020
84 page chartpack examines: [1] Trends in enrollment by plan type; [2] Trends in plan deductibles; [3] Copayment increases and variation; [4] Coinsurance; [5] Out-of-pocket maximum levels; and [6] Out-of-pocket maximum trend. MORE >>
Employee Benefit Research Institute [EBRI]
No Surprises Act Outcomes: Who Will and Won't Be Paying More for Health Coverage in 2023
"[T]he only plan design likely to avoid the impact of the NSA is one that adopts a 'pure' Reference Based Pricing (RBP) design.[v] Coupled with tech-driven data support, a pure RBP plan may avoid unreasonable or excessive provider charges -- potentially lowering both
the cost of coverage and employee point of purchase cost sharing. Over time, plans with pure RBP designs, done right, will consistently pay less than the typical PPO." MORE >>
The Problems with Job-Based Insurance
"The Chamber of Commerce uses the results of its online poll to claim overwhelming worker support for job-based health benefits. However, the methods and reporting are biased. Survey findings by the Commonwealth Fund tell a far more worrisome story." MORE >>
Physicians for a National Health Program [PNHP]
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Spouse Added FSA, I Have HSA, What to Do?
"I'm looking for some guidance on how to unravel a mess we've created with adding both an FSA and HSA for 2023. My wife started a new job with her own healthcare coverage and added an FSA with $250 for 2023. I have a HSA maxed at $3850 and partly paid by my
employer. She didn't realize this would create a problem with having both FSA and HSA in the same year and it's too late now to change the plans. I found an older post here from 2009 and wanted to confirm that the advice was still current. The post says to suspend contributions to the HSA and to spend down the FSA asap. Once the FSA is empty, restart the HSA contributions and I can then contribute up to the annual amount. I'm
also seeing conflicting posts that say FSA coverage applies to the whole year regardless of whether it's spent down so disqualifies HSA contributions for the whole year. It also doesn't say if there are penalties or what to do with any money contributed to the HSA. What happens to this money? Does it need to be removed from the HSA and/or taxed at the end of the year? Can I continue with contributions to the HSA and just pay the tax?
I also found a post about the possibility that her FSA may include a clause where 'the spouse can elect that the money in the FSA can only be used by family members not covered by the HSA' so checking that out. I'm looking for any help on what to do next. Any suggestions would be appreciated."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Is Advance Notice Required for Health Benefits to Be Decreased in M&A Transaction?
"What advanced notice, if any, is required to be given to plan participants when there is a significant change in health plan benefits due to a stock purchase transaction? Here's the situation -- Company A is about to be bought by Company B in a stock purchase
transaction. Company A currently participates in Parent Company's fairly rich health plan as part of a controlled group. Company A's participation in Parent Company's health plan will cease at the time of the transaction and Company A will sponsor a new MEC plan going forward. Parent Company (the Seller) doesn't want to give any notice whatsoever prior to the transaction. Purchaser is concerned about potential liability
related to claims not covered by the MEC plan, that would have been covered by the Parent Company's richer plan, if employees are given zero notice. Does the 60 day advance notice requirement for changes during a plan year apply? I would think not, as the new MEC plan's plan year will not begin until the day following closing so it's not really a mid-year change. But it seems illogical that no notice is required in this
situation. Any thoughts appreciated!"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
NCPERS Plans to Expand Strategic Alliances, Membership Offerings with New Hire Bridget Early
National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems [NCPERS]
Webcasts and Conferences (Health & Welfare Plans) |
2023 On-Site Employee Health Clinics Summit
February 23, 2023 in NV
BRI Network
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
2023 Guide to Compliance Considerations for Self-Insured Plans (PDF)
2023 Guide to Fringe Benefits for Employers (PDF)
DOL Regulatory Agenda, Fall 2022, Including Employee Benefit Items
U.S. Department of Labor [DOL]
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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