Retirement Plans Newsletter
February 3, 2023
7 New Job Opportunities
[Official Guidance]
SEC Risk Alert: Observations from Broker-Dealer Examinations Related to Regulation Best Interest (PDF)
"Moving forward, the Division intends to incorporate compliance with Regulation Best Interest into retail-focused examinations of broker-dealers, particularly those that include sales practices within the scope of the examination. The Division is issuing this risk alert to
highlight deficiencies noted during examinations conducted, as well as examples of weak practices that could result in deficiencies." MORE >>
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC]
[Guidance Overview]
SECURE 2.0: Significant Changes for Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans Start Now (PDF)
14 pages. "SECURE 2.0 did not change the existing requirement for defined benefit pension plans ... to actuarially increase a non-5% owner employee's benefit when that employee continues working after April 1 following the end of the calendar year in which the
employee turned 70½.... 403(b) plan administrators will need to understand the [long-term, part-time employee] requirements that will apply to their plans and take the necessary steps to address them.... [Changes to the catch-up contributions rule] may pose some logistical challenges for payroll ... as it may be difficult to determine whether an employee earned more than the threshold in the prior year in time to properly limit
the employee's catch-up contributions starting with the first pay period of the next year." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Catch-Up Contributions: If It Ain’t Broke, Break It!
"Assuming lawmakers and/or regulators are able to find a way to get catch-up contributions back on track ... [b]eginning in 2024, any participant with compensation exceeding $145,000 in the immediately preceding year will be required to have any catch-up
contributions ... designated as Roth contributions.... When setting the $145,000 limit, [the Act] points to the part of the Tax Code that essentially addresses W-2 employees. Sole props and partners ... pay for purposes of this is $0.... [A]ny amounts that are recharacterized [as a result of a failed ADP test] would have to
also be converted to Roth for any of the HCEs who had prior year compensation in excess of $145,000.... [T]hose HCEs could find themselves stuck with an unexpected tax bill without actually receiving the cash refund to cover it." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
What Deadlines Apply to 403(b) Plan Documents
"When did an employer first need to adopt a 403(b) plan? ... What is the deadline for amendments to a 403(b) plan before the next remedial amendment period? ... What happens if an employer intended to adopt an IRS pre-approved 403(b) plan document, but did not sign the
amendment for an IRS pre-approved plan by the June 30 deadline?" MORE >>
VOYA Financial
Record Number of 401(k) Hardship Withdrawals Seen in 2022
"[A] record 2.8% of the five million people in 401(k) plans run by [Vanguard] tapped their retirement savings in 2022 for financial hardship reasons. It's an increase from 2.1% in 2021 and a pre-pandemic average of about 2%." MORE >>
American Retirement Association [ARA]
Fiduciary Responsibilities for Non-ERISA Retirement Plans
"ERISA is designed to apply only to private organizations. While government entities and some churches may not be required to comply with its standards, following ERISA best practices can be prudent.... Since state laws vary, fiduciary responsibilities can range from nonexistent
to comprehensive, or fall somewhere in between." MORE >>
Model Pension Plan's Funded Status Continues to Rise
"During the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2022, the funded status of the model pension plan ... rose by 2 percentage points, to 106 percent ... This increase in funded status is primarily attributable to a 7 percent increase in assets, partially offset by a
4 percent increase in liabilities." MORE >>
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
[Guidance Overview]
FTC Non-Compete Proposed Rule May Affect Employee Benefit Plans
"[E]mployers should inventory their various benefit plans and compensation arrangements to determine where they have restrictive covenants so that they can act quickly in the event the proposed rule is finalized. The impact of this rule on benefit plans and compensation
arrangements could be wide-reaching[.]" MORE >>
Haynes and Boone, LLP
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Foreign Entity Wants to Provide 401(k) Plan to Us Employees. Trustee?
"Shoe company based in the UK and has US employees. The US operations have an EIN and US address based in Portland. The owners reside in the UK and are not US citizens. All US based employees are US citizens and earn W2 compensation. They are wanting to set up a 401(k) plan with
ADP and the ADP sales rep is telling them that they can indeed do this. Our hesitation is that there would be no US citizen who would serve as the plan's trustee. I'm reading a previous post from 2020 that speaks to this. In reading the treasury reg, specifically 301.7701-7(d)(1)(v) Example 5, it seems that it is permissible to use a directed trustee, as provided by ADP but I am not sure if I am missing something. Our other
hesitation is due to receiving conflicting, and gray area guidance from other practitioners. I'm sorry but I am thoroughly confused at this point. If the plan uses a directed trustee, does that satisfy, both the 'control' and 'court' tests and can they set up a plan?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
1099R - Code 1 Used But Participant Is Disabled
"1099R was issued with a Code 1 for a 2022 distribution but the Participant is claiming they would qualify for the disability exception to the 10% penalty tax. My understanding is that even though the Code 1 was used, which specifically is titled 'Early distribution, no known
exception.', you could claim eligibility for the waiver of the penalty tax. i.e., we don't have to issue an amended 1099-R. Is this correct? Can anyone point me to anything explaining how this is done? I assume it is straightforward. This must happen on a fairly regular basis."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Plan Terminated but 401(k) Contributions Continue
"Have a client that was bought. Recently told "Oh hey we were bought as of X" where X is a date in the past. Part of the selling agreement which they just sent me had resolutions terminating the Plan as of date before acquisition. Not prepared by us. Buyer is taking the
position that that is formal plan termination. Seller decides on his own that since they aren't in the buyers plan he's going to continue deferral and safe harbor match and deposits first 2 January payrolls to the Plan. What is the fix? Can this be self corrected? or does this require VCP? Do the deferrals after term date get paid out as like a 415 excess? they ran through payroll so will presumably be on 2023 W-2. What happens to
the match that was deposited? Forfeit? Allocate as prior year contribution? Return to client as mistake of fact?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Unfinished Business for SECURE 2.0?
ASPPA [American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries]
Employee Contribution Failures
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Practical and Tactical Actions for Small Business Owners
February 22, 2023 WEBINAR
TRA [The Retirement Advantage]
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
A Closer Look at SECURE 2.0's Penalty-Free Distribution Provisions (PDF)
SECURE 2.0: New Lost and Found Program and an Increase to the Dollar Limit on Mandatory Distributions
Jackson Lewis P.C.
SECURE 2.0: Impact on ESOPs
Morgan Lewis
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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