Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter
February 3, 2023
7 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
COVID-19 National Emergency and Public Health Emergency to End on May 11
"One of the biggest changes for health plan sponsors will be the end of the COVID Outbreak Period ... on July 10 (60 days after the end of the National Emergency). During the Outbreak Period, deadlines for HIPAA Special Enrollment, COBRA Notice and premium
payments, and claims and appeals filing were extended.... For many plan participants, July 10 will be their final opportunity to take advantage of these extended deadlines." MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
COVID-19 Federal Emergency Declarations Ending in May 2023
"[A] chart summarizes the impact that the end of the federal emergency declarations will have on private group health plans." MORE >>
Winston & Strawn LLP
[Guidance Overview]
Health and Welfare Plan Developments, February 2023 (PDF)
24 presentation slices. Topics include: [1] Year-end legislative update, HSA extension and COVID mandate status; [2] Preventive services/ACA; [3] Section 1557 regulations: brief review and sample of cases; [4] HIPAA update -- online tracking;
[5] MHPAEA; [6] IDR developments; and [7] Miscellaneous items: disaster relief and DOL 2023 penalty increases. MORE >>
Alston & Bird
[Guidance Overview]
What's New in Paid Family and Medical Leave in 2023?
"Changes to paid family and medical leave will occur in 10 states and the District of Columbia this year. This Insight provides an overview of these changes[.]" MORE >>
[Guidance Overview]
Illinois Paid Leave Law: What You Need to Know
"Pursuant to Illinois legislation awaiting the governor's signature, on January 1, 2024, Illinois employers will be required to give employees up to 40 hours of paid leave for any reason. While several states grant employees paid sick leave, Illinois becomes the third
state to extend paid leave beyond sickness and family reasons to any reason at the employee's discretion." MORE >>
Nixon Peabody LLP
[Guidance Overview]
San Francisco Requires Employers to Provide Paid Military Leave
"The ordinance applies to private employers of 100 of more employees 'regardless of location.' An 'employee' includes any employee who works within the geographic boundaries of San Francisco (including part-time and temporary employees) and who is a member of the
reserve corps of the United States Armed Forces, National Guard, or other uniformed service organization of the United States." MORE >>
Seventh Circuit Case Confirms That 'Full and Fair Review' of Disability Claims Requires Disclosure of New Evidence Before Denying Appeals
"The plan's offer to provide the participant a copy of the file upon request may have complied with the regulations in effect before 2018 ... However, in 2018 ... the DOL changed these regulations. The question the court decided was whether the 2018 regulations (or
the exception to them) applied to this claim, which the participant filed in 2013 and the plan granted in 2014, reviewed beginning in 2015, and terminated in 2020." [Zall v. Standard Ins. Co., No. 22-1096 (7th Cir. Jan. 19, 2023)] MORE >>
Request for 'FMLA Leave' Is Protected Activity, Court Says
"Even if an employee doesn't qualify for FMLA leave, and even if she doesn't specifically mention 'FMLA,' employers need to be careful to avoid retaliation (or even the appearance of retaliation) based on a request for leave." [Milman v. Fieger & Fieger, P.C., No. 21-2685 (6th Cir. Jan. 25, 2023)] MORE >>
Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete LLP
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End of COVID-19 Outbreak Period
Kushner & Company
Another Health Plan Reporting Deadline Is 'In the Air'
CRS Report on Mental Health Parity and Coverage in Private Health Insurance: Federal Requirements
Congressional Research Service [CRS]
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