Retirement Plans Newsletter
February 9, 2023
7 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
IRS Intends to Issue Opinion Letters for Pre-Approved Defined Benefit Plans for the Third Six-Year Remedial Amendment Cycle
"[The IRS] announced that it intends to issue opinion letters on February 28, 2023, for pre-approved defined benefit plans that were filed with the IRS for the third six-year remedial amendment cycle. [Announcement 2023-6] also discusses an extension of the deadline to adopt certain pre-approved defined benefit plans. The IRS announced the opening of the determination letter program for adopting employers of certain pre-approved defined benefit plans." MORE >>
Thomson Reuters Practical Law
[Guidance Overview]
SECURE 2.0 Creates New Opportunity to Use Surplus Pension Assets for Retiree Welfare Benefits
"The key change made by SECURE 2.0 relates to the level of surplus pension assets that a plan must hold to make a de minimis transfer, which is up to 1.75% of plan assets. Under this provision, the funded-status threshold for determining a plan's surplus is reduced to 110%.
This lower threshold may create opportunities for more employers looking for alternative sources to fund retiree health and/or group term life insurance benefits." MORE >>
Groom Law Group
[Guidance Overview]
SECURE 2.0: Emergencies, Hardships and Disasters
"[T]he new rules allow for self-certifications as to both [1] the fact that they have a hardship; and [2] that the amount of the distribution is not in excess of the employee's financial need.... Effective for disasters after December 27, 2020, SECURE 2.0
finally makes the exception to the 10% early withdrawal tax for federally declared disasters permanent.... Additionally, employers may permit larger loans (up to a maximum of $100,000 or 100% of the vested account balance) as part of the qualified disaster distribution." MORE >>
Jackson Lewis P.C.
[Guidance Overview]
How SECURE 2.0 Helps Employees Save for Non-Retirement Needs
"[SECURE 2.0] will significantly increase the flexibility of 401(k) plans to encourage more workers to participate in workplace savings programs. In each case, workers can make better use of their plans to save for near-term and other non-retirement needs.... Although some
provisions aren't effective until 2024, it may take some time to for employers and platform providers to ramp-up technology and establish employee education programs so participants can hit the ground running." MORE >>
Cohen & Buckmann, P.C.
[Guidance Overview]
SECURE 2.0 Expansion of Self-Correction Program and Plan Loan Error Corrections
"SECURE 2.0 broadens the scope of self-correction by permitting any eligible inadvertent failures to be self-corrected within a reasonable period after the failure is identified. The self-correction period is now defined as indefinite, with no last day, as long as the IRS does
not identify the failure before the plan sponsor takes action demonstrating a specific commitment to self-correct the failure." MORE >>
Faegre Drinker
[Guidance Overview]
Multiemployer Pension Plans Seeking Special Financial Assistance Can Now Request Relief from Withdrawal Liability Conditions
"A plan that wishes to request an exception from the withdrawal liability requirements must demonstrate that the exception would reduce the risk of loss to plan participants and beneficiaries, and would not increase expected employer withdrawals. The plan must also demonstrate
that the exception would not increase the amount of the plan's SFA or unreasonably increase the PBGC's risk of loss." MORE >>
Morgan Lewis
[Guidance Overview]
What You Should Know About Required Minimum Distributions for Retirement
"If you are age 73 or older, you are required to take at least a minimum withdrawal from your tax-deferred retirement accounts every year, whether you need the money or not.... In prior years, the penalty for failure to take an RMD from a tax-deferred account by the required
deadline resulted in a hefty 50 percent excise tax. But, with the recently enacted law, that excise tax drops to 25 percent, and if corrected in a timely manner, to 10 percent." MORE >>
DOL's ESG Rule Attacked on Multiple Fronts
"Given that the plaintiffs have filed their lawsuit in a forum that has displayed an antipathy toward many federal agency actions in recent years and the impending legislation to overrule the 2022 Rule, asset managers, plan sponsors and other fiduciaries may wish to monitor this
litigation, while they at the same time remain mindful of the now-effective 2022 Rule. If Congress successfully deploys the Congressional Review Act, the DOL would be prohibited from engaging in further rulemaking substantially similar to the nullified rule[.]" [Utah v. Walsh, No. 223-00016, (N.D. Tex. complaint filed Jan. 26, 2023)] MORE >>
Ropes & Gray LLP
Managing Risks in Defined Benefit Pension Plans (PDF)
"Defined benefit pension plans have many risks and, unfortunately, these risks are not always addressed and managed appropriately. In some cases, plan sponsors move to defined contribution plans as they feel these are risk-free but there is no such thing as a risk-free plan. It
comes down to who is responsible for managing the risk and what other risks are created by the different plan types." MORE >>
First Actuarial Consulting Team [FACT]
New Approach Could Improve Funded Status for Almost All State Pensions
"[T]he model ... sets a lower limit on the discount rate ... [ensuring] that the discount rate won't dip below a metric called the value at risk return, which quantifies the extent of potential portfolio losses. The researchers propose that investors use this metric
along with modeling the least risky portfolio allocation that a pension would use to still generate a reasonable return." MORE >>
Institutional Investor
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
[Guidance Overview]
SEC Adopts Final Executive Compensation Clawback Rules: What This Means and How to Prepare
"Although covered companies do not need to adopt a clawback policy that is fully compliant with Rule 10D-1 until after their applicable stock exchange listing standard becomes effective, there are important steps companies can take now to prepare for
compliance." MORE >>
Husch Blackwell
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
Automatic Rebalancing: What Is the Typical Procedure?
"A participant has one set of elections for a current balance and a different set of elections for new money. Has anyone ever seen an auto-rebalance procedure that would put all of the current balance into the investments elected for new money? In other words, rather than
rebalancing the current balance according to the current balance elections, this vendor assumes that 'rebalance' means to invest all of the current balance as if it were new money. It simply provides no way for auto-rebalance of a current balance to be according to the current balance elections. This is something I feel I need to alert clients about, but I'm curious if this vendor's practice is as unusual as it seems to
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Related Company and Compensation for ADP Test
"100% owner of plan sponsor owns a second company 100% which is not a participating employer to the plan. He says there are no employees who would meet the plan's eligibility. The ADP test fails for 2022 (which includes data only for the covered company.). He wants to add his
compensation from the non-sponsoring company which would help the test. I believe the answer clearly is no. (And yes we will get the census for non-sponsoring company to check this out.)"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
DB Plan with Only One Life - Decides to Roll Over the Assets Without Consulting Anyone
"Hi This is a first for me. Need to see what others did in this situation and if any permissible correction is available. Frozen DB plan, one lifer. Do not know if married but to complicate, let's assume married. Plan was underfunded under 417e so no excess issues and no 415
issues. In December decides to roll over the assets into an existing SEP IRA without even hinting to me. Rollover happened on 12/15/2022 so termination resolution and distribution forms had to be executed before 12/15/2022 -- neither of which is done. DB account is still open with a few dollars. What to do to correct all this? Any expert opinion/comments appreciated (other than run away -- seriously thinking about it)."
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Press Releases |
The American College of Employee Benefits Counsel Announces Opening of Competition for Best Simplification Proposal of 2023
American College of Employee Benefits Counsel
Zach Buchwald to lead Russell Investments as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
Russell Investments
Shipman Welcomes Experienced Employee Benefits Lawyer Timothy S. Klimpl Strengthening Its ERISA Team in M&A Services Across Industry Sectors
Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Simplifying AFNs, Returned Mail and Participant Location
February 16, 2023 WEBINAR
PBI Research Services
EPCRS Case Studies
March 23, 2023 WEBINAR
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
American Benefits Council Letter to Treasury Immediate Guidance Needs Under SECURE 2.0
American Benefits Council
American Benefits Council Letter to EBSA: Immediate Guidance Needs Under SECURE 2.0
American Benefits Council
Text of IRS Ann. 2023-6: Third Six-Year Remedial Amendment Cycle for Pre-Approved Defined Benefit Plans: Issuance of Opinion Letters, Plan Adoption Deadline, and Opening of Determination Letter Program (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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