Retirement Plans Newsletter
March 24, 2023
9 New Job Opportunities
[Guidance Overview]
Proposed Treasury Regs Impose Hard Deadline and Requirements on Forfeitures in Defined Contribution Plans
"Under the new regulations, the plan document may specify any or all the permissible uses of plan forfeitures. From a compliance perspective, however, the plan should include more than one permissible use to avoid an operational failure should the forfeitures in a given year
exceed the amount that may be used for that one purpose." MORE >>
Warner Norcross + Judd LLP
Excessive Recordkeeping Fee Claim Squeaks by a Motion to Dismiss
"Courts have started more aggressively requiring plaintiffs to identify similar plans that paid less for the same services -- an apples-to-apples comparison -- to get past a motion to dismiss. Lucero illustrates how plaintiffs might meet or avoid that pleading
requirement." [Lucero v. Credit Union Retirement Plan Assoc., No. 22-208 (W.D. Wis. Mar. 9, 2023)] MORE >>
Dorsey ERISA
Notes from Meeting of Actuaries 'Intersector Group' with Treasury and IRS, January 2023(PDF)
9 pages. Topics include: [1 Schedule SB and Schedule MB filings; [2] Audit program; [3] Relief from in-person notarization requirements; [3] Plan funding in advance of plan document signature; [4] Forms W4-P and W4-R; [5] Substitute mortality tables (SMT):
Impact of COVID-19; [6] Plan termination filings; [7] Funding method change filings; [8] Benefit increases for plans receiving Special Financial Assistance; [9] Cybersecurity issues; [10] 30-year Treasury issues. MORE >>
American Academy of Actuaries, Conference of Consulting Actuaries, Society of Actuaries, and ASPPA College of Pension Actuaries [ACOPA]
Notes from Meeting of Actuaries 'Intersector Group' with PBGC, January 2023 (PDF)
4 pages. Topics include: [1] Special Financial Assistance (SFA) for multiemployer pension plans:Priority Group 5, Lock-in application, Post-MPRA contribution rate increases and withdrawal liability, and Use of SFA assets following a plan merger; [2] Schedule SB benefit
payments; [3] ERISA 4010. MORE >>
American Academy of Actuaries, Conference of Consulting Actuaries, Society of Actuaries, and ASPPA College of Pension Actuaries [ACOPA]
Regulators Revive 401(k) Fiduciary Effort in New Legal Landscape
"The department is drafting new regulations that are expected to broaden the definition of an investment advice fiduciary ... into banking and insurance products.... Backed by consumer activists, [EBSA] says it wants to protect hard-earned nest eggs against investment
industry bad actors charging higher fees, while banks and insurers argue that stricter standards are crippling and threaten to strip retirees' access to lifetime income options. Now, though, members of the regulated community say they believe the tide is turning in their favor." MORE >>
Bloomberg Law
Retirement Proposals in the Administration's FY2024 Budget
"[The] General Explanations of the Administration's Fiscal Year 2024 Revenue Proposals included a description of 'modifications to rules relating to retirement plans' consistent with, for the most part, proposals that were, at one point, part of the
Administration's 2021 'Build Back Better' proposal.... [The authors] very briefly review two of the Administration's proposals: a $10-$20 million cap on account-based accumulations, and the elimination of certain 'Roth conversions,' for certain high-income taxpayers" MORE >>
October Three Consulting
Immediate Vesting Is Better for Recruitment Than Cliff Vesting Is for Retention
"An [EBRI] research panel focused on employee tenure argued that non-immediate vesting schedules for employer matches are an overrated retention tool. An immediate vest is a smarter recruitment tool, and vesting thresholds can often be outweighed by accepting a higher paying job
elsewhere, according to the panelists." MORE >>
PLANSPONSOR; free registration may be required
OIG Report: PBGC Should Exclude Deceased Terminated Vested Participants from Special Financial Assistance Calculations (PDF)
40 pages. "PBGC approved SFA applications that may have included deceased participants in the terminated vested populations, resulting in an overpayment of SFA funds. PBGC did not consider available information, such as results of a death audit performed by the Multiemployer
Program Division, in its review of applications.... [OIG estimates] approximately $6 million in possible improper payments for four of the five plans reviewed." [Report No. EVAL-2023-05] MORE >>
Office of Inspector General [OIG], Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC]
What Does Consistent Participation in 401(k) Plans Generate? Changes in 401(k) Plan Account Balances, 2016–2020 (PDF)
"Overall, the average account balance increased at a compound annual average growth rate of 19.4 percent from 2016 to 2020, rising from $78,008 to $158,361 at year-end 2020.... Younger 401(k) participants or those with smaller year-end 2016 balances experienced higher
percent growth in account balances compared with older participants or those with larger year-end 2016 balances.... On average at year-end 2020, more than two-thirds of consistent 401(k) participants' assets were invested in equities[.]" MORE >>
Investment Company Institute [ICI]
The Role of IRAs in U.S. Households' Saving for Retirement, 2022 (PDF)
"In mid-2022, more than four in 10 US households owned IRAs ... [M]ore than seven in 10 US households had retirement plans through work or IRAs; being later in the life-cycle of saving, more than eight in 10 near-retiree households did ... In mid-2022, 60 percent
of traditional IRA-owning households indicated that their IRAs contained rollovers from employer-sponsored retirement plans." MORE >>
Investment Company Institute [ICI]
Here's What Retirement with Less Than $1 Million Looks Like in America
"There is nothing magical about $1 million, but the less one saves, the bigger the risk that unforeseen shocks or the setbacks of life can derail your plans.... [The authors] spoke in depth with five retirees with savings ranging from roughly $240,000 to $800,000. They
describe what keeps them up at night -- health, hurricanes and heating bills -- and what has brought the greatest joys to these years." MORE >>
The Wall Street Journal; subscription may be required
Benefits in General |
How Supportive Benefits Can Help Reduce Turnover
"Providing comprehensive benefits for every life stage shows that companies value their employees and are committed to supporting their well-being throughout their careers ... In addition to benefits that support employees who are single or divorced, companies can offer
eldercare support, retirement planning, and financial wellness programs." MORE >>
HR Daily Advisor
Executive Compensation and Nonqualified Plans |
Dodd-Frank Clawbacks: Conduct a Detailed Inventory of Each Element
"This article focuses on how companies may be surprised by all the elements of their executive compensation program that are potentially subject to clawback as incentive compensation.... [A] detailed inventory of precisely what plan documents and other written communications say
about pay decisions ... will provide a road map of necessary changes and additional discipline that will need to be adopted by compensation committees, advisors and corporate secretaries to create a smoother process when clawbacks must be exercised." MORE >>
Willis Towers Watson
Employee Benefits Jobs |
Selected New Discussions |
RMD for 5% Owner Who Is Still Contributing to the Plan
"Wondering if we can simplify the management of a small plan, owner is subject to RMD under Section 1.401(a)(9)-2(b)(3) 5% rule and currently contributing to the plan. Is it allowed to reduce the transfers of cash in such a situation, for example: - RMD is
- Contribution is $15,000.
- Contribute $5,000 and do not remove assets from plan.
It seems economically the same to the plan, and the owner still receives their 1099-R for $10,000 so they are paying appropriate taxes, just not sure if there is any
rule that I might be overlooking here?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Missed RMD for Prior Year and Account Owner Now Deceased
"Account Owner of IRA failed to take RMD for 2022 (account owner was incapacitated and under conservatorship). Account owner subsequently passes away in 2023. The question is, how does 2022 RMD get addressed? Are the beneficiaries liable for the 2022 RMD?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
What Is the Penalty Amount to Show in an ERISA-Rights Notice?
"A summary plan description's ERISA-rights notice includes this: If you request materials from the Plan and don't receive them within 30 days, you may file suit in a Federal court. In such a case, the court may require the Plan administrator to provide the materials, and
pay you up to $nnn a day until you receive the materials, unless the materials were not sent because of reasons beyond our control. What is the current amount?"
BenefitsLink Message Boards
Webcasts and Conferences (Retirement Plans / Executive Compensation) |
Introduction to 401(k) Plans for Plan Sponsors
April 11, 2022 WEBINAR
Nova 401(k) Associates
DOL’s 2022 Final ESG Rules
Using Nonqualified Plans to Enhance Executive Compensation: ERISA, Tax and Funding Issues
April 25, 2023 in NY
Worldwide Employee Benefits Network [WEB] - New York Chapter
Last Issue's Most Popular Items |
Is There a Baked-In 20% Systemic Tax on Retirement Benefits in America?
Stephen Rosenberg, The Wagner Law Group
Impact of SECURE 2.0 on Single Employer DB Plans
Text of IRS Publication 590-B: Distributions from Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), for Use in Preparing 2022 Returns (PDF)
Internal Revenue Service [IRS]
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BenefitsLink® Retirement Plans Newsletter, ISSN no. 1536-9587.
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