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Health & Welfare Plans Newsletter

April 17, 2023

3 New Job Opportunities 3 New Job Opportunities


[Guidance Overview]

The National Emergencies Are Ending Next Month; Is Your Plan Ready?

"Under the PHE, employers may offer stand-alone telehealth benefits to employees who are not enrolled or eligible for the employer health plan. This relief will end at the end of the plan year that begins on or before May 11, 2023 (12/31/23 for calendar year plans) but employers may potentially continue to offer these types of benefits as an EAP after that deadline."  MORE >>

Bricker Graydon

[Guidance Overview]

Suspended HIPAA Enforcement to Resume with 90 Day Transition Period for Telehealth

"[F]ull enforcement of HIPAA will resume on May 12, 2023, and covered entities continuing to utilize Telehealth Remote Communications will have until August 10, 2023, to resume full HIPAA compliance."  MORE >>

The Wagner Law Group

Hospital Markups for Drugs Cost Patients Thousands of Dollars (PDF)

"Costs per single treatment for drugs administered in hospitals (2019-2021) were an average of $8,200 more than those purchased through specialty pharmacies. ... Hospitals, on average, charged double the prices for the same drugs, compared to specialty pharmacies. "  MORE >>


Self-Insurance: The Impact of Health Reform (PDF)

"Health Reform accelerated the trend to self-insure health plans, large and small. The [DOL's] annual reports have not identified any negative impact on participant benefits or the public marketplace exchanges."  MORE >>


Access to Abortion Pill in Limbo: Navigating the Intricacies of Conflicting Federal Court Rulings in Texas and Washington State

"Hours before the restrictions were set to go into effect, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito placed a five day administrative stay on the Fifth Circuit's order ... This article provides an in-depth analysis of the dueling decisions, with a deep dive into the implications of the Texas case, including the availability and use of the Mifepristone drug going forward, and the potential impact to the FDA's broader authority, if the Texas plaintiffs ultimately prevail."  MORE >>

Sheppard Mullin

Strategies to Prioritize Employee Wellness

"[1] Involve employees in wellness program design ... [2] Hire a chief wellbeing officer ... [3] Empower people to embrace healthy eating habits ... [4] Suggest simple mental fitness routines ... [5] Encourage 5-minute clarity breaks ... [6] Schedule regular health screenings ... [7] Conduct employee wellness challenges ... [8] Include financial wellness."  MORE >>


Third Circuit Holds New Jersey Transit Corporation Cannot Be Sued for Disability Pension Benefits Under ERISA

"[T]he court agrees with the district court's conclusion because NJ Transit is 'allocated within the Department of Transportation,' and is 'constituted as an instrumentality of the State exercising public and essential governmental functions.' ... [It] is governed by a board composed of members including the Commissioner of Transportation, the State Treasurer, a member of the Executive Branch selected by the Governor, and additional public members appointed by the Governor." [Pue v. New Jersey Transit Corp., No. 22-2616 (3d Cir. Apr. 13, 2023)]  MORE >>

Roberts Disability Law

Benefits in General

Improve Benefits Enrollment Experience with Digital Tools

"Create one simple place for your employees to access all their benefits information.... Provide decision support tools to your employees during benefits enrollment.... Get personal with your digital tools during open enrollment."  MORE >>

Willis Towers Watson

Employee Benefits Jobs

View job as Associate Regional Director, Retirement Services
for AmericanTCS

Associate Regional Director, Retirement Services



View job as Associate Regional Director, Retirement Services for AmericanTCS

View job as ERISA Attorney
for Barlow Coughran Morales & Josephson, P.S.

ERISA Attorney

Barlow Coughran Morales & Josephson, P.S.

Seattle WA / Hybrid

View job as Institutional Relationship Manager - Retirement Services
for Hancock Whitney Bank

Institutional Relationship Manager - Retirement Services

Hancock Whitney Bank

New Orleans LA / Hybrid

View job as Institutional Relationship Manager - Retirement Services for Hancock Whitney Bank

Last Issue's Most Popular Items

The National Emergency Ends.... But Wait, There's More!

Jackson Lewis P.C.

New RxDC Reporting Instructions: Good/Bad News Ahead of June 1 Deadline


Text of IRS TAM 202315010: Deductibility of Unpaid Retiree Health Benefits (PDF)

Internal Revenue Service [IRS]

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